Work Study
The Federal Work Study Program provides jobs for students with financial need, allowing them to earn money to help pay educational expenses. The program encourages community service work and work related to your course of study whenever possible. Federal Work Study is a federal needs-based work program that determines eligibility through the FAFSA. Work-study is available as long as federal funding and employment are accessible.
- Complete the application for Work Study employment online.
- Student employees must be eligible for hiring as determined by KCTCS Hiring Policies.
- Students must be enrolled in a minimum of six program applicable credit hours and maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher.
- Students are paid $11.00 per hour for on campus and community service jobs.
- Students are paid every two weeks with earnings paid directly to you. Wages are never automatically paid towards any outstanding WKCTC bill.
- Students can be eligible to work up to 20 hours a week depending upon unmet need and the funding available.
- Work schedules accommodate class schedules.
Once a supervisor chooses to hire you, the College will process your FWS award and
present it to you in a Financial Aid Package. Your total FWS award depends on when
you apply, your level of need, and the FWS Program funding level for the current Academic
Most FWS jobs are on the Colleges campus, but there is a possibility that some FWS
jobs will be located in a private nonprofit organization or public agency; and the
work performed would be off campus and in the public interest.
The amount you earn cannot exceed your total FWS award as calculated in your Financial
Aid Package. The College will consider your class schedule and other personal obligations
when assigning work hours. FWS wages are paid two weeks in arrears on the 15th and
the 30th of each month. You may participate in FWS as long as you maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress and meet all other FWS eligibility requirements.