Paying for College
At WKCTC, we believe no one should miss out on a college education because they think they can't afford it. That's why we offer the lowest tuition in the state and various methods of financial assistance to help you cover costs.
What financial assistance is available?
Funds awarded based on criteria, usually financial need, academic based or program based that you don't have to repay. The scholarship application is open October 1st-March 1st each year. You'll also need to complete a FAFSA. Complete your scholarship application here! Reach out to WKCTCenrollment@kctcs.edu for more information.
Available through Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA), the Work Ready scholarship helps Kentuckians earn up to 60 credit hours free! Earn an associate degree, a credential in a qualifying major/program: healthcare, advanced manufacturing, transportation/logistics, business services/IT, and construction. To be eligible, you will need to apply at workreadykentucky.com and you will also need to complete a FAFSA. Reach out to WestKentucky-FinancialAid@kctcs.edu or 855.469.5282 for more information.
A program locally funded partnership for students from all participating Paducah and McCracken County high schools who enrolled in the CSP program by October 1 their freshman year of high school that met the performance and other guidelines. View additional information regarding the community scholarship program. Reach out to Lisa.Stephenson@kctcs.edu for information.
a state funded partnership between WKCTC and the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. RTW is designed to assist low-income parents with their college education. Referrals are made by your local Cabinet for Health and Family Services Offices. Reach out to Kiki.Johnson@kctcs.edu or visit the Ready to Work page for information.
Assistance for Veterans, Military and Dependents in using military benefits is available. To be eligible, you will also need to complete a FAFSA. Visit the Veteran's page or reach out to Amanda.Scheidegger@kctcs.edu for information.
The WKCTC Business Office does accept third party scholarships from employers and outside organizations. Third party payments may include vocational rehabilitation, WIA, Dislocated Workers, etc. Reach out to Jessica.West@kctcs.edu or (270) 534-3395 for more information.
The WKCTC Business Office offers an official tuition payment plan for a non-refundable charge of $25 each semester. For more information visit: http://mycollegepaymentplan.com/kctcs or reach out to (270) 534-3164.
WIOA is designed to strengthen our workforce, assisting individuals who are displaced from their former positions or meet certain income guidelines in obtaining high growth – self-sufficient employment. Individualized career center services are available to assist with obtaining employment, comprehensive assessments, development of individual employment plans, counseling, and career planning. Training services are available if customers need help obtaining employment, linking to job opportunities in their community, including both occupational and basic skills trainings.
For further information about the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Grant and how it may be able to assist you in furthering your education, please contact your local provider:
Paducah Career Center (Kentucky): (270) 575-7000
Shawnee Development Council (Illinois): 618-634-2201
How to apply for financial assistance?
We're glad you asked! Planning early and turning in all forms on time are the keys to getting the most financial aid you can qualify for. To receive financial aid, there are three easy steps:
The first step in applying for financial aid is completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, you'll hear it called FAFSA. The FAFSA must be completed each year, and changes to the application are coming.
Gather these documents, and use them to fill out the free application here.
Now that you've applied for Federal Financial Aid through the FAFSA, it’s not required, but it’s always a good idea to apply for additional scholarships that are offered through WKCTC, the state, and other agencies, and that don't have to be repaid.
Let's make sure you haven't missed anything. For some students additional paperwork is needed. It’s important to visit your student self-service account and check your To-Do List to make sure you've got everything taken care of.
If there is nothing for you to do, you can use that page to review your awards. Just remember that if more documents are needed, you won’t be eligible for federal aid until they are turned in and processed.