FAQ - Students
At this time mask are optional.
No. Students should wash hands frequently and/or use hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer will be available throughout campus locations and in classrooms.
Students who have a fever and/or any symptoms of COVID-19 should not come to campus. Students should notify their instructor and contact their health care provider to be tested and follow their provider’s instructions on the need to quarantine at home. If you begin to feel ill or develop symptoms after coming to class, notify your instructor immediately and leave campus and seek medical attention.
Social distancing of at least three (3) feet is required. Evaluations of each facility and its classroom, lab and office spaces have been conducted to determine the maximum capacity allowed in order to adhere to social distancing requirements. Chairs/desks and other classroom and lab furniture and equipment have been modified to provide at least three feet space. Signage has been placed throughout campus locations reminding students, employees and visitors to remain socially distanced. Six-foot spacing markers have been added for higher traffic areas. Congregating and vending areas, breakrooms, and meeting spaces will be either closed or reduced in size to allow for social distancing.
Faculty will take attendance/use sign in sheets to ensure available information for contact tracing in case a student or faculty member in the class becomes ill with COVID-19. If using a sign-in sheet, students must clean or sanitize their hands after using a shared pen/pencil. You and the College must be prepared to assist public health officials if a faculty member or student tests positive or becomes exposed to COVID-19.
Maintenance and Operations staff will continue to sanitize frequently touched surfaces and areas a minimum of twice daily (e.g., doorknobs, credit card machines, shared computers). Hand sanitizer and disinfectant spray/wipes will be available and easily accessible in all classrooms and departments. Employees and students will need to disinfect their work space before use.
When there is an identified employee or student who has COVID-19, the College must further ensure that they immediately restrict access to contaminated areas and adequately clean impacted areas. Any contaminated area will be off-limits to all but essential personnel for a minimum of 24 hours or as directed by local public health officials.
Jennifer Tubbs – Director of Human Resources. Students may contact their instructor, Chase Durrance-dean of students, or the Healthy at Work Officer with any concerns.