Dual Credit Calendar | WKCTC

Weather Alert • February 18 – 21

Due to projected inclement weather, WKCTC will transition to remote operations starting Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 3 PM, through Friday, February 21, 2025.

Faculty and staff will be working remotely, and students are expected to engage in remote learning as outlined in their syllabi.

All WKCTC campus locations will be closed.

Dual Credit Calendar

Master Dual Credit Calendar 2024-2025

Item Fall Spring Summer **
Signed MOA for school year due June 30 N/A N/A
KCTCS priority registration opens* March 1 October 1 March 1
KCTCS application/enrollment deadline Varies by college Varies by college Varies by college
Start of high school semester August (varies) January (varies) June (varies)
Start of KCTCS semester* Week of August 19 Week of January 13 Week of May 12
Last day for KCTCS students to add/drop a course 4 days after first day 4 days after first day 4 days after first day
ACT/CTE student registration for technical courses September (varies) January & February  Not offered at most schools
KHEAA high school submission deadline for scholarship eligibility September 15  February 1  N/A
Last day for KCTCS students to withdraw from class and receive a W* Varies by college Varies by college Varies by college
Student KHEAA preference deadline October 1 March 1 N/A
Pre-orientation for eligible HS students with dual credit faculty October 15 March 15 N/A
KCTCS submits first enrollment file to KHEAA (please report changes prior) October 18 March 14 N/A
KCTCS sends first e-bill to dual credit students for the current semester (if no scholarship information is on record) October 11 March 14 First Friday after student registers for course/s
Last day to add dual credit course for the semester October 30 March 28 August 13
Dual credit enrollment at high schools for the following semester October-November (varies) April -
Dual credit data due for KCTCS Official Snapshot to CPE November 1 March 30 August 15
Last day fo KCTCS semester Week of December 15 Week of May 11 Week of August 1
Grades due to KCTCS December 22 May 17 August 16
Grades due to KHEAA for Dual Credit Scholarship December 20 May 20 August 15
KCTCS returns 50% of funds to KHEAA for scholarship students who did not successfully complete their course  March 1 June 30 N/A

*Students enrolled in courses delivered at the college or online must follow KCTCS deadlines. Deadlines for courses taken at the high school may vary. 

**Dual credit is not available at all colleges for the summer term.