Study Abroad Testimonials
My children, Garrett and McKenna , both Lone Oak High School students, now have a deeper appreciation for biology. Garrett and McKenna both are now talking about pursuing a career related to biology. Not only were they surrounded by everything Costa Rica had to offer, but they had the advantage of having college professors with them on the trip who shared their knowledge of the particular subject or area that they are observing. My children learned while out on field trips throughout Costa Rica, but also while riding on the bus on the way to different areas. The EF tour guide was very informative and very helpful. I am so glad my children had the opportunity to go on this study abroad trip to Costa Rica with WKCTC. The professors were amazing, the tours were well organized, the food delicious, and the friends we made were great!
This American realized in the study abroad class just how materialistic we are compared to other countries . . . And not necessarily any more happier. Gas prices of 7.00 wasn't the big deal as it is in the USA since a lot didn't own cars and relied on public transportation. The American was impressed on CR effort for recycling (nothing was thrown out) and their efforts to control traffic in town by enforcing car pooling on certain days depending upon license plate numbers. The study abroad class was much more than a vacation.
We intend to present in many formats regarding the trip. The best news is that we broadened the perspective of all of our students. I'd like to share with you just a summary: Kayla Guess, one of my current students, had never flown before, and is the first in her family to travel a great distance out of Paducah area. She is a first generation college student, and will take this experience into her classes as an elementary school teacher.
Michael Richards, one of my current students, was hesitant about going. At the end of the trip, his favorite part was staying with the family and learning about Mexican way of life.
Peggy Richards, one of my previous language students, always wanted to travel, but never thought she would be able to because she has limited mobility. Peggy brought her scooter and made it to all archeological
Courtney is a delightful and energetic young lady. She is currently an Automotive Technology major, but she is now considering a major in Spanish. She's a whiz at speaking the language, and spoke Spanish at every opportunity she had. She hopes to return to Cemanahuac and volunteer at the VAMOS program for street children of Mexico.
Marissa Estes, part-time student at Maysville CTC, is a promising student that Pat and I have vowed to help in some way. She is just out of high school, but works full-time as a State Farm agent. Marissa has an ACT of 28 and salutatorian of her high school, but she had no parental support to investigate scholarships. She hopes to enroll in a full-time program, return to Mexico for an extended time and major in Spanish.
Seth Cooper is a senior at Shawnee University with a major in Social Sciences. After this trip, he hopes to pursue archeology. He had conversations with Mr. Goff that were specific to his interests.
Lawrissa Yeamon is a senior at Lone Oak High School. She hopes to return to Mexico to study and will continue her studies at WKCTC next year.
Maria and Rory Flynn will share with you about their experiences, but I know it touched them as well. I expected eyes to be opened, but I think our hearts and minds were changed from the depth of teaching that we experienced. Pat and I will be meeting very soon to plan our presentations to the college and to discuss plans for next year.
Thank you again for supporting this project. I had investigated several programs and had a strong feeling that this program would be worthwhile and sound. The school and its well organized staff and pleasant facilities even surpassed my expectations.
Wow, what a wonderful report!It's really rewarding to know that even a program as short as one week, if well planned and well prepared for, can offer such a life changing experience for your students.
When I took students to Mexico as a part of my work at The Ohio State University, I felt the same way...as a professor at a large state- assisted university, I had students who had never flown, never been out of Ohio, never stayed in a hotel, and certainly didn't see themselves as "international travelers."The test of success is how many planned to return to Mexico, study Spanish, plan other trips to other countries, and, in general, see themselves as citizens of a much larger world than they had ever thought possible. It's really wonderful to open their eyes, regardless of the age of the participants, and I am so convinced that in the United States we need this more than ever.