CPR Course for Healthcare Providers
Course Overview
This course is the Basic Life Support Course for Healthcare Providers sponsored by the American Heart Association. Areas of content include adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation (both one-rescuer and two-rescuer), child cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and management of foreign body airway obstruction in infants, children, adults and use of the AED. The course uses lecture, demonstration and practice to facilitate the learning process and is completed in one evening.
Attendance at one session is required for course completion.
We are offering classes to renew your CPR. It is a two-step process.
First Step:
- Access the link https://shopcpr.heart.org/.
- Scroll down and click “Blended & eLearning Courses” tile.
- Select HeartCode BLS (cost is $36.00) and complete the didactic portion of the course.
- Make sure you print out a copy of your Certificate of Completion.
Second Step:
Email your Certificate of Completion to Mary Ann Bradbury at maryann.bradbury@kctcs.edu to sign up for the skills portion of the class. Please include your first and second
choice of dates for skills check-off. Once you are registered for the class you will
receive a confirmation email.
That cost will be $25 payable at the business office in the Anderson Technical Building
or thru your Student Services account.
Session Dates
- Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 4:00 p.m.
- Monday, March 10, 2025 at 4:00 p.m.
- Monday, April 7, 2025 at 4:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, April 23, 2025 at 4:00 p.m.
Location: WKCTC Health Sciences Bldg., West Hallway on the first floor
Note: This course is subject to all academic policies, including, but not limited
to, failure to attend a one-meeting session will result in an “F” on your transcript.