Nursing Transfer Students
Applicants who wish to transfer from another program of nursing must:
- Meet all requirements of the receiving institution;
- Notify the Coordinator of the Associate Degree Nursing Program in writing, stating
anticipated entry date and reason for transfer; and have a faculty member from the
program previously attended submit a letter to the receiving institution.
- If more than three years have elapsed since initial enrollment in the first nursing
course in any registered nursing program, an applicant must repeat all nursing courses.
Completed transfer requests will be reviewed based on the following criteria:
- First and foremost, space availability.
- Previously completed nursing courses for content applicability to the nursing program
at West Kentucky Community and Technical College. This may include, but not limited
to, review of course description and course syllabi. This is necessary to establish
the most appropriate entry point into WKCTC nursing program.
- Transfer students must demonstrate retained competency, as nursing courses are designed to build on previous courses. Retained competency is demonstrated by successful completion (77% or higher) of the final exam of the most recent course the student will be receiving transfer credit.