March 2017
West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Board of Directors March 7, 2017
Anderson Technical Building Conference Room
2 p.m.
I. CALL TO ORDER – Jason Jones
Jason Jones called the meeting to order. Members of the board attending were Tom Butler, Heather Coltharp, Deborah Edmonds, Jason Jones, Larry Kelley, and Dallas McKinney.
Others present were Dr. Anton Reece, Dr. Renea Akin, Janett Blythe, Bridget Canter, Dr. Belinda Dalton-Russell, Mellisa Duncan, Lee Emmons, Dr. Steve Freeman, Susan Graves, David Heflin, Brian Heller, Kevin O’Neill, Dr. Tena Payne, Nate Slaton, and Barbara Maxey.
II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - December 7, 2016
Deborah Edmonds made a motion to accept the minutes for December 7, 2016. Larry Kelley seconded the motion.
Dr. Anton Reece thanked John Carrico for the renovation of the Anderson Technical Building Conference Room as the new meeting location for the WKCTC Board of Directors.
- SACSCOC-Dr. Renea Akin discussed the process of reaffirmation with SACSCOC. WKCTC will know by May which sections will need revising. Dr. Akin will then lead the revisions. WKCTC will host the SACSCOC site visit on October 24-26, 2017.
- Workforce Solutions - Kevin O’Neill reported Workforce Solutions are working on training for companies and have several proposals for training submitted to companies.
- Work Ready Skills Initiative - Dr. Steve Freeman stated his pleasure at the successful teamwork among regional partners. The West Kentucky Partnership Work Ready Skills Initiative is a collaborative regional endeavor to enhance and expand technical training in the Transportation, Advanced Manufacturing, Information Technology and Business, Health Sciences, and Construction industry sectors. This Initiative has been funded for $3,040,000.00.
- Integrated Marketing Committee - Janett Blythe discussed the mission of the newly formed Integrated Marketing Committee. The committee is defining and refining the message WKCTC sends out. The first challenge of the committee was to name the tour WKCTC will be taking to area high schools. The WKCTC Express Connecting Communities Tour will begin at Carlisle County and move on to the other nine counties served by WKCTC.
- Challenger Center Update - Mellisa Duncan stated the Challenger Center is having a very good year. They will be the leader for an eclipse party with a street fair atmosphere on August 21.
- Arts in Focus - Brian Heller distributed a report on the Arts in Focus events for this year.
Spring Enrollment - Nate Slaton reported the enrollment is down slightly for the spring semester. The official number snapshot will be taken on April 1. See attachment.
- Budget - Susan Graves congratulated her area on the success of five audits with no findings. She also reported on a five-year revenue comparison. See attachment.
Dr. Reece stressed his emphasis on enrollment. He has approved funding for a minority recruiter and a part time Hispanic recruiter. He also underlined the importance of advocacy at the state level.
Dr. Reece then announced two retirements John Carrico, Vice President of Administrative Services, and Dr. Tena Payne, Vice President of Academic Affairs as of June 30. The two individuals together have given 65 years of service to this college.
Jason Jones expressed his appreciation for the renovated conference room. He announced the May 9, 2017 meeting would have two important items of business on the agenda, the evaluation of the president and approval of the new budget.
Mr. Jones announced the intent to establish a faculty and staff award, to be presented at graduation. Dr. Reece and Jason Jones will meet with Bridget Canter, Director of Human Resources, to institute guidelines for these awards.
There was no old business.
Jason Jones announced KCTCS plans to host a Board of Directors Retreat in Louisville on October 27 for all local board of directors.
Larry Kelley made a motion to adjourn. Deborah Edmonds seconded it. The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m. The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, May 9, at 2 p.m. in the ATB Conference Room.