May 2017
West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Board of Directors
May 9, 2017
Anderson Technical Building Conference Room
2 p.m.
I. CALL TO ORDER – Jason Jones
Jason Jones called the meeting to order. Members of the board attending were Tom Butler, Heather Coltharp, Deborah Edmonds, Jason Jones, Larry Kelley, Dallas McKinney, Shirley Menendez and Jennifer Smith.
Others present were Dr. Anton Reece, Bridget Canter, John Carrico, Dr. Belinda Dalton-Russell, Mellisa Duncan, Lee Emmons, Susan Graves, Summer Holland, Kevin O’Neill, Tammy Thompson and Barbara Maxey.
Deborah Edmonds made a motion to accept the minutes for March 7, 2017. Heather Coltharp seconded the motion.
- Challenger Center Update - Mellisa Duncan stated the Challenger Center is having a great year. Summer camp registrations for 2017 significantly exceed 2016. On May 18, Challenger Champions will honor Taylor Young.
- Workforce Solutions - Kevin O’Neill reported Workforce Solutions is very busy.
- The first industry partner luncheon was held on April 27 with a huge turnout.
- Workforce Solutions is advertising for a CDL instructor.
- The nursing refresher course enrollment is increasing in number.
- Community Scholarship Update - Lee Emmons explained the Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship
Program and whether it will affect the need for the Community Scholarship Program.
The Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship Program requires that a student:
- Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
- Be a Kentucky resident
- Be a high school or GED graduate
- Have not earned an associate's or higher degree
- Be enrolled, or accepted for enrollment, at an eligible postsecondary institution
in an approved program of study that leads to an industry recognized certificate or
diploma in a high-demand workforce sector.
- Qualifying areas for the 2017-2018 year are health care, advanced manufacturing, transportation/logistics, business services/IT, and construction
- Not be in default on any obligation to KHEAA
As this scholarship only covers the first 32 credit hours of enrollment and only applies to specific areas, she does not see this scholarship minimizing the need for the Community Scholarship Program. Dr. Reece and Ms. Emmons have requested that the county and city both continue support for the CSP.
Ms. Emmons also announced the Fall Scholarship Auction will be held on Thursday, September 21.
Dr. Reece discussed the Express Tour. Dr. Reece with several representatives from WKCTC have visited Carlisle County, Fulton County, Fulton City, Massac County, and Mayfield/Graves County to explore reaching out to more areas of the region.
Dr. Reece also announced the following changes:
- John Carrico, Vice President of Administrative Services, is retiring as of June 30.
- Dr. Tena Payne, Vice President of Academic Affairs, is retiring as of June 30.
- Dallas McKinney is graduation from WKCTC and will transfer to Western Kentucky University this fall.
- Summer Holland will replace Tom Butler on the WKCTC Board of Directors as of July 1. Ms. Holland is the new Chair of the Staff Assembly and will represent the staff.
Dr. Reece thanked everyone for all of the support during his inauguration on April 21. The event was well attended.
Jason Jones expressed his appreciation to Blair Travis, Janett Blythe, Tammy Thompson and Barbara Maxey for their work at the inauguration and graduation.
He also announced the first Unsung Student award, which was presented at graduation on May 6, 2017. Dallas McKinney, student representative to the WKCTC Board of Directors, was the first recipient. Mr. McKinney thanked the board for the award. A faculty and staff member will be recognized at the December graduation.
Mr. Jones announced the fall WKCTC Board of Directors meeting will be October 3. Due to a conflict on the afternoon of October 3, the board agreed to meet at 8 a.m.
There was no old business.
Susan Graves presented the 2017-2018 budget pending KCTCS Board of Regents approval. Dr. Shirley Menendez made the motion to approve the budget. Larry Kelley seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Mr. Jones conducted the evaluation of Dr. Anton Reece. Mr. Jones thanked the members for returning the completed evaluation forms. He will now send the comments and evaluation to Dr. Jay Box, President of KCTCS. The following were comments expressed:
- Dr. Reece has jumped in and learned the culture.
- Dr. Reece is very approachable.
- Dr. Reece is an excellent listener.
- Dr. Reece is very visible in the communities WKCTC represents.
- Dr. Reece is bringing fresh perspective.
The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m. The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, October 3, at 8 a.m. in the ATB Conference Room.