October 2017
West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Anderson Technical Building, Conference Room
8 a.m.
The meeting was called to order at 8 a.m. by Chair Jones beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were: Heather Coltharp, Deborah Edmonds, Summer Holland, Jason Jones, Larry Kelley, Dr. Shirley Menendez, Dr. Anton Reece, Jennifer Smith, and Emily Strasser. Others who attended were: Dr. Renea Akin, Janett Blythe, Mellisa Duncan, Lee Emmons, Susan Graves, Dr. David Heflin, Brian Heller, Kevin O’Neill, Amy Sullivan, and recorder Darla Howerton.
Dr. Reece welcomed Emily Strasser to her first meeting of the board. She is the new student representative.
Mr. Kelley moved and Mrs. Edmonds seconded to approve the May 9, 2017 minutes. Motion passed.
Dr. Reece reported that many upgrades in technology have been made across campus in the recent months. Some of those improvements include new marquees, the sound system in the library, projection unit in bistro and Crounse Hall. The upgrades were funded through PJC.
Dr. Reece announced that John Carrico’s replacement has been hired. James “Shay” Nolan has accepted the position and will begin work on October 23, 2017.
Board of Directors Training
Required training for the Board of Directors will be October 27, 2017 at the Marriott East in Louisville.
Enrollment and SASCOC
Dr. Akin gave an update on enrollment and reported that we will have our SACS visit October 24-26, 2017. She discussed key elements of the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), including the theme of “Chart Your Own Course,” which focuses on student completion.
Community Scholarship Program
Dr. Reece said that the impact and relevancy by way of completion rates is important for future funding of the CSP. Dr. Akin showed the graduation percentages of CSP students compared to other regional universities. When the graduate and transfer rates are figured together the CSP rate increases to 60% and is higher than Kentucky’s regional universities and other community colleges.
UTK Graduate Students Visit
Today we will be hosting graduate students from UTK. Dr. Reece said the group hopes to gain a better understanding of how student affairs operates at different institutions and also consider job opportunities at area colleges.
Dr. Box Visit
Dr. Box will be here November 1, 2017. It will be 20 years that KCTCS has been in existence. The title of his tour is “Better Lives for Kentuckians.” His presentations will be on how the college has made a difference in student lives. He will also be meeting with key legislators while he is here. Some of the challenges ahead for colleges is pension and tax reform. All board members will be invited to attend.
Library Information
Mrs. Sullivan presented an informational review on the library services that are offered on this campus. She said that all Board members can receive a library card by presenting their driver’s license or some form of picture identification.
Mrs. Graves said that we were able to carry forward funds from the last fiscal year and will be purchasing a new van with some of the funds. This year post-secondary has been exempted from the 17% budget reduction. The future budget reduction is yet to be determined.
Scholarship Gala
Mrs. Emmons thanked everyone for their support of this year’s auction. She said that more than $84,000 was raised which included sponsorships, ticket sales, silent and live auctions, and additional contributions that were made that night.
Eclipse and CLC Report
The CLC Director invited members to the 15th Birthday Party for the CLC on October 16, 2017. Ms. Duncan said that the Eclipse was a successful event. Over 3,000 people were on campus that day.
Arts in Focus
Mr. Heller reported on upcoming events for the Clemens Fine Arts Center. The next event will be on October 27. It will be a Capella group called M-PACT. He said that this performance will feature opening acts from local high schools.
Chair Jones reported that on November 16, 2017 we will have a joint board meeting with the PJC board. Dr. Reece said that after that meeting there will be a dedication to honor B.A. Hamilton by naming the collision repair shop after him. In March we will have a Regional Educators Awards ceremony to recognize partners throughout the Purchase area.
The Chair said that Board meeting dates are spread out through the year with little contact in the summer. Members agreed and added a meeting during the summer months. The date is to be determined. Mrs. Edmonds moved and Mr. Kelley seconded to approve the additional meeting in the summer. Motion passed.
Last year the board gave a student award and Chair Jones recommended giving a faculty/staff award in December. Members agreed and wanted this award to be kept quiet from the recipient until time to present the award at the December graduation. Members requested that all information on the recipients be sent via email to members.
Election of Officers
Chair--Members nominated Jason Jones. Mr. Kelley moved and Mrs. Edmonds seconded to approve the nomination.
Vice Chair--Members nominated Larry Kelley. Mr. Jones moved and Mrs. Edmonds seconded to approve the nomination.
Secretary—Members nominated Dr. Shirley Menendez. Mr. Kelley moved and Mrs. Edmonds seconded to approve the nomination.
All nominations were approved motion passed.
Meeting at adjourned at 9:10 a.m.