May 2018
West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Board of Directors
May 8, 2018
Anderson Technical Building Conference Room
2 p.m.
The meeting was called to order at 2 p.m. by Chair Jason Jones beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance. Board members present were Heather Coltharp, Deborah Edmonds, Summer Holland, Jason Jones, Larry Kelley, Dr. Shirley Menendez, and Emily Strasser.
Others in attendance: Dr. Anton Reece, Dr. Renea Akin, Dr. Belinda Dalton-Russell, Lee Emmons, Susan Graves, Kevin O’Neill, Dr. Karen Hlinka, Emily Peck, Shay Nolan, Dr. Tyra Henderson, Mary Beth Head, Ruby Rodgers and Melissa Allcock, recorder.
Mr. Larry Kelley moved and Mrs. Deborah Edmonds seconded to approve the March 6, 2018 minutes. Motion carries.
AU!@MSU – Dr. Karen Hlinka and Dr. Tyra Henderson
The Accelerate U! academic experience includes courses in key areas, specifically writing, reading, and math. The courses were selected in collaboration between MSU and WKCTC to ensure transferability and applicability to any major. The schedule is designed to promote student success while advancing students toward a bachelor’s degree.
WKCTC benefits in this agreement are:
- WKCTC is the home college
- Enrollment of Credential Seeking Students
- Tuition dollars for 9-13 credit hours per semester
MSU benefits in this agreement are…
- MSU is the visiting institution
- Tuition for one class per semester
- Housing and dining fees
- Local economic impact
Additional Benefits of AU!@MSU Include:
- MSU assumes fixed costs
- Each Institution supplies faculty for courses
- Positive performance based funding impact with reverse transfer
- If students do not complete AU!, they will be advised of options that include WKCTC
Scholarship and Grants – Lee Emmons
Community Scholarship Program
- First students began in 2014; data shows program success in completion rates; annual need is $425,000 - $520,000 by 2022.
- Questions and feedback from community members:
- McCracken County Fiscal Court - place more emphasis on technical programs; will do with marketing/HS outreach/guidance counselors. Focus on job placement data.
- Introduction of need-based element suggested by County – Advisory board considered but at this time feels like program should remain as is, focusing on encouraging more students to get into college, without consideration of family income.
- Conversations with county and city governments; the county indicated their contribution will be lower – discussed $100,000 instead of $125,000. City will probably give the same amount as the county.
- Plan to undertake a specific fundraising campaign for CSP to sustain for the future
- CSP notifications will go out from Dr. Lisa Stephenson’s office - estimated to be $460,000
General (PJC) Scholarships
- For fall 2018 more than 400 students (HS and current) received scholarship offers (approximately 1/3 of applicants) and just over 270 – nearly 300 students receiving competitive scholarships of various amounts – total will be around $600,000; will complete process and publicize in June.
- HS recipients are being recognized at Honors Nights throughout May
- Total of more than $1,000,000 in scholarships for 2018-2019 academic year
Enrollment – Emily Peck
WKCTC’s spring 2018 enrollment for total headcount was up 5.4% over prior year. Current total headcount is currently 5656. A significant jump in headcount was due to the efforts of Kevin O’Neil and the workforce team. We are trending well for summer and fall for credential seeking students. Summer enrollment for credential seeking students is currently at 1139, which is approximately 70 students above prior year. This increase is mainly due to the change in Pell grant availability for students. Our fall credential seeking students remain slightly above, almost flat, year over year, with a total of 2361 enrolled students.
Chair Jason Jones reported on the success of spring graduation and the Unsung Hero Award recipients. Student recipient was Charity Itaiv-Gar and Faculty award recipient was Dr. Tyra Henderson.
Chair Jones announced this would be the last board meeting for Dr. Belinda Dalton-Russell and thanked her for the contributions she has made at WKCTC.
The next WKCTC Board Meeting will be the Board Retreat on July 24, 2018 from 8:00 to 12:00 in the Emerging Technology Center. The board will undergo self–evaluations at this meeting.
V. Old Business
Mr. Larry Kelley moved and Dr. Shirley Menendez seconded approval of the new by-laws. Motion carried.
VI. New Business
018-2019 Budget - Susan Graves
Mrs. Graves stated there wasn’t a lot of difference when comparing year to year. She explained the difference between unrestricted and restricted funds. Unrestricted included tuition, mandatory fees, sales/service Educational Activity, state allocations etc. Restricted funds include government grants and contracts which are funds with designated purposes only. Areas of budget reduction included the presidential budget, retirements without replacement and non-renewal of contracts, etc.
Dr. Shirley Menendez moved and Mr. Larry Kelley seconded a motion to approve the budget. Motion Carries.
Security Surveillance – Shay Nolan
An informational report on upgrading surveillance equipment was presented. The current system is old and doesn’t capture all video needed in case of an incident. For instance, it doesn’t have parking lot coverage. An enhanced system would have real-time capability and zoom. It would envelop the current locations and add all point of sales areas, critical areas, and parking lots. The new system has the panic button capability, on for emergency and one for non-emergency. The new enhancement would be partially funded through PJC.
Performance Evaluation of Dr. Anton Reece – Jason Jones
Chair Jason Jones, reported on Dr. Anton Reece’s evaluation by the board of directors. Forms were sent to all board members with 100% participation. Chair Jones read a letter to be forwarded to KCTCS President Dr. Jay Box which summed up the boards evaluation of Dr. Reece. The comprehensive results of the evaluation were Dr. Reece exceeds expectations. Dr. Reece responded with remarks thanking faculty, staff and KCTCS. Dr. Reece said it had been a difficult year regarding the budget and employee morale but addressed the difficult areas so we wouldn’t revisit them again next year. Upcoming plans include listening tours of faculty, staff and students.
Student board member Emily Strasser stated this would be her last board meeting as she graduated on May 5th. Emily reported Jonathan Bilak would become the new student board member.
Dr. Shirley Menendez moved to adjourn, Mr. Larry Kelley seconded, motion carried.