November 2018
West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Board of Directors and PJC Foundation Board of Trustees Meeting
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Anderson Technical Building, Bistro
1:00 pm
The meeting was called to order by Chair Kelley beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by introductions of joint board members. Those present were Jonathan Bilak, Heather Coltharp, Deborah Edmonds, Summer Holland, Larry Kelley, Dennis Lacy, Barry McDonald, Donna Pearson and Jeff Simms. PJC Foundation Board of Trustees members attending were John Williams, Chair; Lee Emmons, Executive Director; Chris Black, Anne Gwinn, Mike Sims, Ken Wheeler, and Dr. William Wheeler.
Others in attendance: Dr. Anton Reece, Dr. Shirley Menendez, Dr. David Heflin, Dr. Renea Akin, Dr. Karen Hlinka, Susan Graves, Emily Peck, Darwin Tamar-Ramsey, Janett Blythe, Tammy Thompson, Darla Howerton, Roberta Jackson and Melissa Allcock, assistant secretary.
Mrs. Edmonds moved and Mr. Simms seconded to approve the October 2, 2018 minutes. Motion passed.
Mr. Kelley thanked the college for their continuance of excellence. He reminded those in attendance of the upcoming WKCTC Holiday Luncheon on December 6th at noon in the Haws Gymnasium. He also encouraged attendance at the December 10th graduation in the Four Rivers Carson Center at 7:00 pm.
Recognition of past board members
Dr. Reece recognized past board members Jason Jones, Dr. Shirley Menendez and Jennifer Smith for their service to the board. He presented Dr. Shirley Menendez a plaque for her excellence of service. Jason Jones and Jennifer Smith were unable to attend.
Dr. Reece asked Vice President of Student Services, Emily Peck to give an enrollment update as we wrap up the end of the fall 2018 semester. Emily stated that WKCTC is 1 of 8 among the 16 KCTCS colleges that met or increased enrollment. WKCTC rated 5th in the state. Dr. Reece thanked Emily, the leadership team and supporting staff for their enrollment efforts.
Tammy Thompson, Graduation Chair reminded the joint boards to RSVP to the December 10th graduation ceremony at the Four Rivers Carson Center and handed out VIP parking passes to each board member in attendance.
V. Adjournment
Chair Larry Kelley adjourned to the PJC Foundation Board of Trustees meeting, turning the gavel to Chair John Williams.