October 2018
West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Board of Directors
October 2, 2018
Emerging Technology Center Room 109
2 p.m.
I. Board Orientation
Board Orientation began with introductions. Board members present were Jonathan (Jon) Bilak, Heather Coltharp, Deborah Edmonds, Summer Holland, Larry Kelley, Dennis (Denny) Lacy, Barry McDonald, Charles (Chuck) Murphy, Donna Pearson, and Jeff Simms.
Others in attendance: Dr. Anton Reece, Dr. Renea Akin, Janett Blythe, and Melissa Allcock, recorder. Joining the board meeting were: Dr. David Heflin, Dr. Karen Hlinka, Kevin O’Neill, Lee Emmons, Shay Nolan, Emily Peck, Bridget Canter, and Todd Birdsong.
Larry Kelley, Vice-Chair, reviewed orientation materials which included Top Twenty Truths for Effective Boards, Code of Ethics and Standards of Good Practice, Budget Review and Approval Questions, and Board Self-Evaluation: A Practical Guide. Also, the board reviewed the by-laws approved at the May 2018 meeting.
Janett Blythe, Marketing and Communications Director, gave background information on the formation of WKCTC, its Mission, an overview of branding and an introduction to the website.
II. Call to Order
The board meeting was called to order at 3:15 p.m. by Vice-Chair, Larry Kelley beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance. Immediately following the pledge, Judge Hines asked all board members to proceed to the front of the room for the oath of office.
III. Old Business
Ms. Deborah Edmonds moved, and Mr. Jeff Simms seconded to approve the May 8, 2018 minutes. Motion carried.
IV. New Business
Election of Board Officers
Voting ballots were distributed to members of the board of directors. Before the meeting nominations for Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary were invited via email, and nominees were Mr. Larry Kelley for Chair and Ms. Deborah Edmonds for Vice-Chair. Nominations were called from on the floor, and Mr. Barry McDonald nominated Ms. Donna Pearson as Secretary, and Ms. Deborah Edmonds seconded the nomination, motion carried. With a 100% vote tallied by the recorder, Melissa Allcock, the new officers for 2018-2019 are as follows:
- Mr. Larry Kelley, Chair
- Ms. Deborah Edmonds, Vice-Chair
- Ms. Donna Pearson, Secretary
Following the announcement of the election outcomes, Mr. Barry McDonald moved, and Mr. Jeff Simms seconded to appoint Ms. Melissa Allcock as the assistant secretary, motion carried.
V. President’s Report * See Accordion Table below
Dr. Reece gave an outline of the 3-5 Year Strategic Outlook Process for WKCTC. Members
of the President’s Leadership Team gave their top 3 priorities within the Strategic
Plan as follows:
- Dr. Renea Akin – Institutional Planning, Research & Effectiveness
- Janett Blythe – Marketing and Communications
- Bridget Canter – Human Resources
- Lee Emmons – Institutional Advancement
- Dr. David Heflin – Academic Affairs
- Dr. Karen Hlinka – Distance Learning
- Shay Nolan – Campus Operations Services
- Emily Peck – Student Services
- Kevin O’Neill – Workforce Solutions
In addition, Todd Birdsong, Director of the Clemens Fine Arts Center provided materials on the 2018-2019 Arts in Focus/Backstage Pass line-up welcomed the board to become supporters of the program.
VI. Chair’s Report
Mr. Larry Kelley, Chair gave an overview of the following upcoming events:
- Paducah School of Arts & Design (PSAD) – October 25th exhibit
- WKCTC/PJC Joint Board Meeting/Lunch – November 15th at noon Anderson Technical Building
- Dr. Reece invited the Board of Directors to arrive early for a campus tour
- WKCTC Holiday Luncheon – December 6th at noon in the Haws Gym
- WKCTC December Graduation – December 10th at 7:00 p.m. Carson Center
Mr. Kelley also reported he attended the Marine Technology Advisory Committee meeting. He mentioned the Center of Excellence designation we are currently seeking.
VII. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
3-5 Year Outlook from President's Report
- Accessible Data / Reports
- Disaggregated Data / Reports
- Professional Development
- Support Efforts to Increase Enrollment
- Strengthen Our Strategic Communication and Protect our Brand
- Support Efforts to Maximize Student Retention
- Faculty / Staff Hiring
- Support WKCTC strategic plan and diversity plan
- Professional Development
- Leverage Franklin Covey contract content
- Expand Efficiencies of Service
- Business Office and HR
- Academic Affairs and HR
- Build Relationships / Expand Support
- Regional Outreach & Strategic Contacts
- Communication
- Alumni Outreach
- Funding Existing & Priority Commitments
- Meet Annual Need and Plan for Sustainability
- Foundation and Asset Management
- Grants
- Identify and Coordinate - Protocol
- Match to Strategic Plan and ROI
- Faculty
- Hiring and Supporting Top-Quality Faculty
- Student Success
- Retention, Completion, and Engagements
- Revenue
- Grants and Increased Retention
- Overarching Theme
- Building upon Relationships and Partnerships
- Based on Several Components
- Research
- SWOT Analysis
- Leadership and Student Services Conversations
- Campus Services
- IT - M&O Food Service-Security-Mail
- Security
- Enhanced Surveillance
- Increased Patrols
- Sustainability
- Energy Saving, Recycle Programs and Awareness
- Re-branding Student Services
- Student Success
- Awareness, Partnerships and Community Involvement
- Revenue Streams
- Fuding to offset department costs / expenses
- Develop / Deliver Training Programs
- Target Kentucky high-demand industry sectors
- Partnership Development / Collaborations
- Working together to reach common goals