March 2019
West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Board of Directors
March 5, 2019 2:00-4:00pm
Anderson Technical Building-WKCTC Boardroom
The meeting was called to order by Chair Kelley followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were board members Jonathan Bilak, Heather Coltharp, Deborah Edmonds, Summer Holland, Larry Kelley, Denny Lacy, Barry McDonald, Chuck Murphy, Donna Pearson, Dr. Anton Reece, Jeff Simms and Melissa Allcock, assistant secretary. Others in attendance, Dr. Renea Akin, Todd Birdsong, Janett Blythe, Bridget Canter, Mellisa Duncan, Lee Emmons, Dr. Shari Gholson, Susan Graves, Dr. Karen Hlinka, Shay Nolan, Kevin O’Neill, Emily Peck, Amy Sullivan, and Tammy Thompson.
A motion was made by Jeff Simms and seconded by Chuck Murphy to approve the minutes of the November 29, 2018 meeting. Motion carried.
Dr. Reece gave reports on an opportunity to update our representatives at a meet and greet, and reception in Frankfort last week. Also, at the monthly PLT meeting, there were conversations about House Bills being passed. Two bills to highlight pertain to concealed deadly weapons and are House Bill 30 and House Bill 194. KCTCS as a whole is opposed to these bills for safety and security reasons.
Advancement – Lee Emmons
The mission of the Resource Development Strategic Plan is to advance the College’s ability to meet the needs of students, expand access to education, promote regional economic development and fulfill workforce needs by developing partnerships and expanding financial and in-kind resources.
A detailed handout on the plan was presented and outlined the six initiatives, and the fundraising plan/resource development campaigns for 2018-2021.
Fundraising Plan of Action– A three-year plan that will be reviewed and modified
- Current FY Goal: $ 847,000 (Grants can drastically skew this figure)
- FY 2019-20 Goal: $1,085,000
- FY 2020-21 Goal: $1,290,000
Fundraising strategies include one on one solicitation, regional outreach, cultivation and relationship building, alumni development, grants, sponsorship opportunities/events, and direct mail. Fundraising is not all about raising money, but about building relationships.
Budget Introduction – Susan Graves
An introduction of the budget which requires board approval in May was presented. Department budget requests flow upward to the Leadership Team for review and funded when possible. The budget is based on the Strategic Needs Assessment.
The flow of state appropriation funds begins with the state legislature setting the budget for post-secondary institutions with the Council on Post-Secondary Education (CPE) input. The state appropriation funds then flow to KCTCS and state universities. The flow then comes from KCTCS to the colleges where we are responsible for the management of our budget.
Our total budget is approximately $46,133,700. Revenue for WKCTC comes from tuition and mandatory fees (33%), state allocation (24%), grants (30%), gifts (1%), sales and services (testing, auto body, cosmetology etc. 4%) non-credit tuition (2%), other sources (4%), reserves (required and non-required 2%).
Expenses by function: Instruction (35%), Student Financial Aid (31%), Operations and Maintenance (13%), Student Services (8%), Institutional Support (7%), Budget Reserve (2%), Public Service (2%), Academic Support (1%), Libraries (1%).
Expenses by object: Personnel Costs (48%), Grants in Aid (31%), Operating Expenses (17%), Budget Reserve Required (2%), Capital Outlay (2%), Transfers (0%).
Performance-Based Funding is being phased in, and we have several performance metrics. We do well on the metrics, there is a couple of areas to strengthen, and we are putting measures into place to increase our metrics in those areas. We are currently at 5% which is $69,000 and underfunded based on our performances.
Enrollment – Emily Peck
April 1st is the deadline for spring headcount. Total headcount includes dual credit and workforce students. The current total is at 4820 students and a little behind from last year due to the incident at Marshall County High School and the influx of safety courses taught through Workforce Development. Wrapping up the spring term and rolling into summer/fall, we currently have 152 signed up for summer and 342 for fall since March 1st.
New initiatives have been launched on campus and include:
- Community of Concern - takes a look at student needs and puts them in touch with help.
- Food Pantry - Served 16 students in first month, students must be enrolled
- GED+ is a Skills U and KCTCS Initiative to earn a credential in one of 5 key areas while earning the GED with work-ready scholarships paying the tuition
Workforce and Economic Development –Kevin O’Neill
Two new initiatives involve getting more representation of community leaders outside of Paducah. The first phase is an economic development road trip to areas in the country that are thriving in workforce. The upcoming trip on March 28th and 29th includes a diverse group of individuals traveling to Greenville, South Carolina to tour and meet with the community college, riverport, chamber, and industry. The second phase upon returning will be a symposium on April 18th to bring back information from phase one of what works and what doesn’t. The symposium will include members of legislature and industry with panel discussions and break-out sessions.
Academic Affairs – Dr. Karen Hlinka
Our second annual Regional Educator Awards is happening on Thursday evening March 7th at 5:00 pm in the Clemens Fine Arts Center. The featured speaker will be Sheila Smith-Anderson, an eminent educator in our area. The real focus of the evening is honoring our regional educators from Pre-K through high school. It has grown this year with over 100 nominations of which 47 of them completed the paperwork to be eligible for an award.
Campus Operations – Shay Nolan
New security surveillance has been ordered with a projected installation of summer. The new system will cover exterior as well as interior. In addition, a new roof will be installed this summer on the Allied Health Building.
The KCTCS Strategic Needs Analysis (SNA) for 2022 has been submitted to KCTCS for campus needs, and WKCTC is number 15 on the state funds draft. We have also submitted some additional needs that fall under restricted funding for consideration.
Other security updates include:
- E-Panic systems have been installed on various computers around campus for extra security
- Door locks across campus have been repaired and/or replaced as needed
Marketing and Communications – Janett Blythe
Safety Notification Alert Process (SNAP) is used system-wide to notify of emergencies occurring college specific. Board members were encouraged to sign up for SNAP to be aware of emergencies or weather-related closings at WKCTC. Concerns not endangering students but situations needing to be relayed will be sent via email. The daily WKCTC Digest is another tool used to relay information and updates for what is happening on and around campus.
On February 22-23, the Paducah School of Art & Design (PSAD) had their 10th Anniversary celebration with great attendance at both the reception and the block party.
Mission-Vision-Values – Dr. Shari Gholson
WKCTC’s Mission, Vision, and Values aligns with the Council on Post-Secondary Education (CPE) and the Strategic Plan. Dr. Gholson asked for the board’s endorsement on the revised statement. A motion was made by Deborah Edmonds and seconded by Barry McDonald to accept the Mission-Vision-Values statement. Motion carried.
Challenger Learning Center – Mellisa Duncan
West Kentucky Gear-Up Grant with a soft start in the spring will allow 27 Mars missions for all 7th graders in ten counties.
Elementary, middle, and high school students from around the region will compete in the West Kentucky RCX Regional Tournament on March 9th. The top two scorers in each category go on to the state level tournament.
Space Quest 2019 includes a wide variety of camps for various ages. Trending upwards in enrollment from last year with 161 registrations so far.
NASA KY Grant – Teacher professional development in July consisting of 30 teachers on a trip to Huntsville, AL to visit Marshall Space Flight Center and USSRC. The professional developments are provided by NASA Education Specialists.
Rebecca Wingfield, NASA Flight Director, will be visiting in November. She is a UK Engineering graduate and 2002 graduate of Caldwell County High School.
Library – Amy Sullivan
The board members have library privileges to use library resources with a list of the resources provided in a handout. The library hosts many free events every semester, and a list of those events can be found on the website.
The library partners with Federal Books and sends discarded books to the organization. A percentage of the funding from the discarded books is designated to the PJC Foundation General Student Scholarship fund, and since 2013 the library has given over $3000.00 to this fund.
The campus archivist has been working with the library to organize into a database recovered and restored WKCTC historical documents.
Chair Kelley reported on the timeline of the evaluation process of Dr. Reece. Documents were given to the board about the evaluation and will be completed at the May board meeting along with approval of the budget.
Chair Kelley gave his appreciation of the daily WKCTC Digest and recapped the upcoming campus events.
V. Announcements
Clemens Fine Arts Center – Todd Birdsong
The Mavis Staples concert was at 90% capacity and reached across demographics and genres. A report was given on the remaining Backstage Pass and Arts in Focus performances.
A new Internship Program has been implemented with McCracken County and St. Mary High Schools for backstage help and administrative support. Depending on the success of the program outreach will extend to other schools.
Graduation – Tammy Thompson
Spring 2019 graduation will be held on Saturday, May 11th at the Four Rivers Carson Center with two ceremonies at 10:30 am and 2:00 pm. Parking passes are available to the board members for the ceremonies.
VI. Adjournment
Chair Kelley thanked everyone for their attendance and adjourned the meeting at 3:50 pm.