May 2019
West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Board of Directors
May 14, 2019 2:00-4:00pm
Anderson Technical Building-WKCTC Boardroom
The meeting was called to order by Chair Kelley, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were board members Jonathan Bilak, Heather Coltharp, Deborah Edmonds, Summer Holland, Larry Kelley, Denny Lacy, Barry McDonald, Donna Pearson, Dr. Anton Reece, Jeff Simms and Melissa Allcock, assistant secretary. Others in attendance, Dr. Renea Akin, Janett Blythe, Lee Emmons, Susan Graves, Dr. Karen Hlinka, Shay Nolan, Kevin O’Neill, and Emily Peck
Deborah Edmonds made a motion, and Jeff Simms seconded, to approve the minutes of the March 5, 2019 meeting. Motion carried.
Workforce and Economic Development –Kevin O’Neill
A re-cap of the Regional Economic Development Symposium held on April 18, 2019, in the Emerging Technology Center. More than one hundred were in attendance for the symposium which began with Congressman James Comer delivering the opening remarks. The featured guest speaker was Bob Quick, President/CEO of Commerce Lexington, Inc., whose keynote address was “Start with the End in Mind.” After an International/State Panel forum, the group dispersed into the first of two break-out sessions. Sessions options included “Are You Fully Committed to Diversity” delivered by guest speaker Danny Murphy, Assistant Dean of Community Engagement and Diversity, University of Kentucky College of Law, and “Stopping the Brain Drain: Retaining 20-40 Year-Olds”. After lunch, the group met back together for a Regional/Economic Panel discussion followed by the second set of break-out session options, which were West Kentucky Workforce Training and State Assistance and Secondary Education Pipeline.
Enrollment – Emily Peck
A breakdown of the current enrollment for the summer and fall terms was given with a visual graph of where we were at this time last year, where we are currently for 2019 and the final total for 2018. For the summer, we are behind the previous year, and those numbers could be impacted due to the big push for 15 to finish. The fall term shows our enrollment numbers ahead of where we were at this time last year.
Budget – Susan Graves
The 2019-20 Operating Budget was presented for approval. The source of funds is up due to a $5.00 tuition increase set and approved by the KCTCS Board of Regents and the Council on Post-Secondary Education (CPE), AU with Murray State also contributed to the additional increase in funds. The state allocations are up $60,000.00 due to performance funding. Susan explained the unrestricted column is general operating funds and restricted funds can be grants and gifts. Non-credit tuition comes from Workforce Solutions training classes. Sales and Service are funds from areas such as sales in cosmetology. The expense categories can be presented in two different ways, as Function of Expenses and Object of Expenses shown in the attachment.
IV. New Business
Approval of the 2019-2020 Operating Budget
Chair Kelley called for a motion to approve the 2019-20 Operating Budget. Jeff Simms made a motion, and Barry McDonald seconded, to approve the 2019-20 WKCTC Operating Budget. Motion carried.
Approval of 2019-2020 Proposed Board Meeting Dates
A review of the 2019-2020 Board Meeting dates was presented, and the consensus was to hold the 2020 Board Retreat on July 28, 2020.
Evaluation of Dr. Anton Reece
Chair Kelley delivered the results of the 2018-2019 WKCTC Board of Directors Presidential Evaluation of Dr. Reece. Chair Kelley stated all ten board members responded to the evaluation process. He read a summary letter to KCTCS President, Dr. Jay Box of the evaluation results. The board evaluation determined Dr. Reece exceeds expectations and recommends he be retained as President of WKCTC and his contract extended. Chair Kelley highlighted Dr. Reece’s accomplishments and noted areas to enhance in 2019-2020. On behalf of the Board, Mr. Kelley expressed his thanks to Dr. Reece for his excellent work.
Dr. Reece expressed his thanks for the comments from the Board and his pleasure and honor to serve in this role. He recognized the leadership team and their support.
V. Chairs Report
Reappointment of Board Members
Chair Kelley announced that Deborah Edmonds and Donna Pearson had both desired to be reappointed to their expired terms to the WKCTC Board of Directors. The paperwork has been submitted and awaiting a decision from the Governor’s office.
Spring Graduation re-cap
Graduation was a great celebration with one of the highlights being staff member Lorry Beth Wilson and husband Bob Wilson, the graduation keynote speaker, and daughter Storm who graduated from WKCTC. Jonathan Bilak, Student Representative of the WKCTC Board of Directors, also graduated in the first ceremony. Jonathan plans to attend the University of Kentucky in the fall.
WKCTC Board of Directors Retreat
The 2019 retreat will be on Tuesday, July 23rd from 8:00-noon with more details forthcoming.
Storm Ready Accreditation Ceremony
WKCTC has recently been named a Storm Ready Accredited Institution. Several measures have to be in place to qualify for the accreditation. Some of which includes but not limited to crisis manual, storm shelters, safety courses and drills, message alerts, and 24/7 security. The college will receive this honor during a ceremony immediately following the board meeting in the lobby of the Anderson Technical Building.
VI. Adjournment
Chair Kelley called for additional comments and accolades. No further business was conducted. He thanked everyone for their attendance and adjourned the meeting at 2:45 p.m. to the Storm Ready Accreditation Ceremony in the lobby of the Anderson Technical Building.