October 2019
West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Board of Directors
October 1, 2019 2:00 pm
Anderson Technical Building-WKCTC Boardroom
The meeting was called to order by Chair Kelley, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were board members Andrew Castleman, Heather Coltharp, Deborah Edmonds, Summer Holland, Larry Kelley, Denny Lacy, Barry McDonald, Chuck Murphy, and Jeff Simms. Others in Attendance Dr. Anton Reece, Dr. Renea Akin, Janett Blythe, Lee Emmons, Susan Graves, Dr. David Heflin, Octavia Lawrence, Shay Nolan, Emily Peck, and Melissa Allcock, assistant secretary.
Chuck Murphy made a motion, and Barry McDonald seconded, to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2019 meeting. Motion carried.
Introduction of new board member
Chair Kelley welcomed the new Student Representative to the Board of Directors, Andrew Castleman. Andrew is the Student Government Association’s Vice-President with a major in musical theatre and musical education.
Annual Board of Directors Election of Officers
Barry McDonald made a motion to keep the current officers by a vote of acclimation.
Deborah Edmonds seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The officers for 2019-2020 are:
Larry Kelley – Chair; Deborah Edmonds – Vice-Chair; Donna Pearson – Secretary;
Melissa Allcock – Assistant Secretary
Emily Peck gave an update on fall enrollment and noted the fall Census date of November 1st. There is another class session before the Census date that will add to the total headcount. The attached graph gives a visual of both summer and fall enrollment numbers. In addition, Emily discussed the closure of Briggs & Stratton and a new initiative at Tele Tech and how it might impact enrollment in the future.
Campus Security and Building/Grounds Updates
Shay Nolan reported that David Wallace had accepted the Mailroom position and that he would continue to direct security until his replacement is hired.
The Active Shooter Drill will be on October 2, 2019. The drill will be a practice of lockdown procedures only and is expected to last 15 minutes.
The replacement roof on the Allied Health Building is expected to be completed within two weeks. A new study is being conducted for the replacement of the MLRC roof.
KERS/Pension Update
Susan Graves reported that KCTCS has until April 30, 2020, to decide whether to stay in the KERS or to opt-out. If they stay in our benefit rate could likely go to 90% per employee that is in either the KTRS or KERS. WKCTC has around 60 employees or 23% in these two plans. If KCTCS opts out, they have two choices, either to pay a lump sum or to pay over a 10-20 year period.
Healthcare Education to Work Celebration (see accordion table below)
Lee Emmons extended an invitation to the Salute to Healthcare Education on October 24, 2019. The purpose of the event is to honor our healthcare education partners.
A fact sheet about healthcare needs and program sustainability was presented (see attachment).
Individual outreach meetings will be set up in the near future to discuss potential regional partnerships.
It was determined to cancel the scholarship auction this year due to the return on investments. New fundraising opportunities are being assessed.
Donovan Scholars (see accordion table below)
Dr. David Heflin discussed the history of the Donovan Scholars, the effects on our credential seeking students, and options to meet the needs of both.
Dr. Heflin also reported that Murray State University (MSU) has decided not to renew AU! @ MSU partnership for the third year. The decision not to renew is in part due to administration changes and resources. WKCTC’s Accelerate You! program will continue.
V. Chairs Report
“The Guardians Initiative” Reclaiming the Public Trust (see accordion table below)
Mr. Kelley reviewed the handout and encouraged the board to get people to think more about higher education through recruitment and fundraising efforts.
VI. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 3:10 p.m.
West Kentucky Community and Technical College (WKCTC) seeks to provide students access to quality education with excellent options for employment, while addressing a great need for nurses and allied healthcare workers in our region.
- The Kentucky Occupational Outlook to 2026 report said the state would need an additional 5,629 full-time registered nurses by 2026 over current numbers, a 12.2 percent increase, and demand in allied health fields is also anticipated, with a projected increase of 11 percent.
- Health-care-related occupations are expected to grow at a high rate primarily because of Kentucky's aging population. The U.S. Census Bureau predict s one in five Americans will be 65 or older by 2030.
- For many years, local hospitals have provided financial support for WKCTC to accommodate a greater number of nursing students than would otherwise be possible, helping to meet critical workforce needs.
In order to sustain and expand support for nursing and allied health education to meet regional workforce needs, WKCTC and Paducah Junior College (PJC) established a Healthcare Education-to-Work Endowment Fund.
- Baptist Health Paducah; Mercy Health -Lourdes Hospital; and Katherine Sides, nursing program alumnus and retired R.N., generously contributed as founding donors to establish the new endowment fund.
- The endowment fund will ensure continued access to education for more students who are in high demand for employment in the healthcare field, providing sustainability to meet current healthcare education needs and establishing an avenue for meeting emerging needs in the future.
Healthcare providers, retired healthcare workers, and all individuals and businesses who wish to sustain quality healthcare throughout the region are Invited to contribute to the Healthcare Education-to-Work Endowment.
- Additionally, the Kentucky Community and Technical College System has a matching funds program for endowment contributions of $50,000 to $250,000.
- The opportunity to potentially double the amount of a gift through matching funds will help the endowment see significant growth in a shorter timeframe than would otherwise be possible.
- Gifts of any amount are needed and appreciated.
We are excited to introduce the Healthcare Education-to-Work Endowment Fund as a charitable giving opportunity that will benefit students, healthcare organizations, and our region.
- For more information, please contact lee Emmons, WKCTC Vice President of Advancement and PJC Foundation Executive Director, (270) 534-3084, lee.emmons@kctcs.edu.
History of Donovan Scholars
The idea of Donovan's Scholars was developed in the 1950's by then University of Kentucky President. Herman L. Donavon. After decades of work, review, and refinement, the Kentucky General Assembly in 1976 mandated that residents of the Commonwealth, aged 65 or older receive a tuition waiver for academic classes at all state-supported institutions of higher learning.
Kentucky Statute 164.284 - Waiver of tuition and fees for person sixty-five or older Conditions:
- When any person sixty- five {65) years of age or older, who is a resident of the Commonwealth, is admitted and enrolls as a student in any state-supported institution of higher learning in this Commonwealth, the board of trustees of the institution or other appropriate institution officials shall waive all tuition charges and fees for such student. except as provided in subsection
- In the event that classes o re full or the granting of free admission requires additional units. the institution may deny admission under this section.
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Donovan Scholars
What do Donovan Scholars provide to West Kentucky Community and Technical College?
- Donovan Scholars are valuable members of West Kentucky Community and Technical College. They bring experience and insight to the classroom that enhance the learning experience.
Does West Kentucky Community and Technical College receive monies to support Donovan Scholars?
- KRS 164.284 slates"... institution officials shall waive all tuition charges and fees... "for Donovan Scholars. West Kentucky Community and Technical College does not receive monies that offset the cost of waiving tuition and fees for Donovan Scholars.
If a class is fully enrolled with students, does the institution offer additional classes for Donovan Scholars?
- No, but if on offered course has space to enroll students, Donovan Scholars are welcomed to enroll. West Kentucky Community and Technical College is not required to offer courses exclusive for Donovan Scholars. As stated in KRS164.284. "In the event that classes are full or the granting of free admission requires additional units, the institution may deny admission . . . ".
Has anything changed regarding Donovan Scholars?
- Nothing has changed regarding Donavon Scholars at West Kentucky Community and Technical College. At times, changes in enrollment create situations where classes ore full and Donovan Scholars who had enrolled in these courses previously are unable to enroll. Donovan Scholars would then be encouraged to enroll in other course offerings.
Proposed WKCTC/PSAO Studio Use Policy for Non-Credential Seeking Students
Option 1
Research regarding similar programs at non-profit and for-profit institutions and businesses reveal user fees determined by the square foot as well as hourly, daily, and monthly fees with no regard for space occupied or equipment availability. Higher fees were generally found at private for-profit businesses (see last page).
- Rates per square footage range from $1.00 to $10.00.
- Rates determined by hour also range from $1.00 to $10.00.
- Daily rates range from $5.00 to $75.00.
- Monthly rates range from $15.00 to $150.00.
Given that individuals can enroll in WKCTC classes for approximately $546 ($546 divided by 16 equals $34 per week with instruction), it makes no sense to consider weekly or monthly rates at a cost anywhere near this figure which would not include instruction. If we were to back out costs of instruction, the weekly fee without instruction would be $21.00 and monthly fees would be $84.50.
If we were to apply a 10% discount for one-time payment for the entire 16-week term, cost would be $304 per term (equates to $19 per week or $76 per month). If we round down to $75 per month the cost would be $300 per term.
If, on the other hand, we were to use a fee based upon square footage with each student allotted 4' x 5'of floor space at $1.00 per square foot, the fee would be $20.00 per student per week, $80.00 per month or $320 per term. Applying the same 10% discount for one-time payment, the cost would be $288.
Given these calculations and a desire to reduce time and effort collecting the fees, it seems $300 per term is a good starting point for consideration. We might also allow users to pay monthly at a non-discounted rate of $85, with a one-month deposit in addition to the first month's payment. (As I understand it, PSAD can't collect rental fees for WKCTC, so the Business Office would have to be agreeable with monthly payments and advise on how to they would bill and make collections). Lastly, we might also consider a firing fee for those who are not students but working in the ceramics studio. $10 per cubic foot was a figure noted online.
Studios would only be available outside of scheduled classes in their respective or adjacent studios. Fiber art, metalsmithing, and ceramics have dedicated studios. Painting would be hosted in Room 202, the small studio adjacent to the drawing studio.
Option 2
Consideration to providing one (1) or two (2) weekend offerings dedicated to a particular discipline. This option would allow those interested to work in the environment without conflict with student needs. This would also allow dedicated time with an expert in the field. We would need to consider the cost of offering this option as it relates to resources (instructor, utilities, etc.), and may want to use the same pricing mentioned in option one (1) for these weekend offerings.
*Similar programs researched online include:
Art Sanctuary, Louisville non-profit, $1.00 per square foot, requires one-month deposit, 16-week commitment
Artists Collective of Hyde Park, NY, non-profit, $1.30 per square foot
The Artist's Attic, Lexington, non-profit, $1.17 per square foot
Fitton Center for Creative Arts, Hamilton, OH, non-profit ceramics only, $20 for ten hours
Green Pea Press, Huntsville, Al, membership organization, printmaking, $5O annual fee plus
$15 per month
Fall Out Arts Initiative Minneapolis, MN, faith-based non-profit, individual 10" x 10"@ $175 per month
Union Co-op Studios, Omaha, NE, communal studios in different disciplines, membership fee 6 months at $80 per month, $120 per month for 12 months
Arts Warehouse, Delray Beach, Fl, private for-profit organization, $7S per day
The Artists Establishment, Fountain Hill, PA, $10 per hour or $150 per month
Choplet, Brooklyn, NY, ceramics non-profit, $15 per hour or $220 per month with unlimited 24-hour access
Jansen Art Center, Lyndon, WA, ceramics non-profit $5 per day (4-6 hours) or $35 punch card for 10 days
The AGB Guardians Initiative seeks to harness the knowledge and passion of the nation's board members to create a cadre of informed, dedicated, and visible advocates for higher education. As corporate and community leaders, board members are uniquely positioned to communicate the value proposition of the colleges and universities they serve and to advocate higher education more broadly within their professional, social, and personal networks. Board members can also help advance their institutions' interests, with policymakers at the state and federal levels.
With leadership from the CEO, board chair, and government relations liaison, board members can be leveraged to accelerate an institution's/system's advocacy strategy. Board members can be a valuable resource as third-party advocates, but board participation in advocacy requires partnership and respect of institutional policies and procedures. For example, board members should not develop their own agendas and engage elected officials, without notice to the CEO or his or her designee.
Considerations for Boards
- Do we regularly discuss the implications of public policies (including funding) to our mission?
- Do we have an advocacy or public policy strategy for our organization?
- To whom should the board look for direction on public policy and strategy?
- Do we have board leaders who can speak to and connect, with a broad cross-section of community needs and constituencies in support of the public policy strategy?
- Are we affiliated with coalitions and organizations that may help to advance our advocacy strategy?
- Should we provide training or guidance to board members about how to engage effectively in advocacy efforts to enable them to represent our mission and work, with confidence?
- Does our board-recruitment strategy align, with our public policy strategy and the connections or influence that, will ensure our success?
Considerations for CEs and Government Relations Liaisons
- Is the board well informed about how best to support and track the progress of our public policy strategy?
- Is the expertise and advocacy of board members strategically leveraged in key media outlets or other public venues?
- How do we engage board leaders who can speak to and connect with a broad cross-section of community needs and constituencies in support of our work?
- Do any board members have personal or professional connections to coalitions and organizations that are helping to advance our advocacy strategy?