March 2020
West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Board of Directors
March 3, 2020 2:00-4:00pm
Anderson Technical Building-WKCTC Boardroom
The meeting was called to order by Chair Kelley, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were board members Andrew Castleman, Heather Coltharp, Summer Holland, Larry Kelley, Denny Lacy, Barry McDonald, Chuck Murphy, Chris Roty, Dr. Anton Reece, and Melissa Allcock, assistant secretary. Campus faculty and staff in attendance: Dr. Renea Akin, Bridget Canter, Lee Emmons, Susan Graves, Dr. Tyra Henderson, Octavia Lawrence, Shay Nolan, Kevin O’Neill, Emily Peck, Dr. Kate Senn, and Tammy Thompson. Others in attendance: Murray State University post-secondary Education Administration graduate students, Kaitlyn Brooks, Amelia Comper, and Brianna Frantsvog.
Chair Kelley welcomed and introduced our newest board member, Chris Roty. Dr. Anton Reece expounded on the introduction that Mr. Roty has been a strong supporter of the college within the Nursing and Allied Health programs at WKCTC through his affiliation with Baptist Health. He was also a keynote speaker who advocated for the college during the fall legislature tour. Mr. Roty responded he has been with Baptist Health for 26 years, and it is a great medical community, and Paducah is a wonderful community, and he is glad to be here.
A motion was made by Barry McDonald to approve the minutes of the November 21, 2019 meeting contingent on the correction to add Chuck Murphy to those in attendance at the November meeting. The motion was seconded by Dennis Lacy. Motion carried.
Chair Kelley reported there is still a vacancy on the Board of Directors formerly held by Jeff Simms. The recommendations to fill the vacancy have been submitted to the Governor’s office and are awaiting the Governor’s appointment.
Chair Kelley called for nominations from the floor to fill the vacant Vice-Chair position previously held by Deborah Edmonds. Hearing no nominations from the floor, Mr. Kelley called for a secret ballot vote with write-in nominees. Dr. Anton Reece added that the Vice-Chair’s primary role would be to facilitate the board meetings in the rare absence of the Chair. The secret ballot vote resulted in a tie between Barry McDonald and Chris Roty. The tie vote was broken by Mr. Kelley, who declared Barry McDonald to serve as Vice-Chair until the regular election in October 2020.
Dr. Reece began his report with introductions of the Cabinet members and concluding the introductions by recognizing those serving in Interim roles. Dr. Renea Akin is serving as the Interim Chief Academic Officer. Dr. Kate Senn is serving as the Interim Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs, and Dr. Tyra Henderson is serving as the Interim Associate Vice President of Institutional Planning, Research, and Effectiveness.
Chief Academic Officer Search Update – Bridget Canter, HR Director
The Chief Academic Officer (CAO)position was posted through multiple publications and sources on February 6, 2020. The CAO Search Committee has been formed and met for the first time on March 2, 2020. The tentative schedule is to narrow the applicants and have candidates on campus to interview the week of April 13, 2020. The candidates will meet with six different independent groups. They will have open forums with Faculty, Staff, and Academic Deans. The candidates will also get a tour of the WKCTC campus.
PLT/Legislative Updates
The legislative budget process starts this week with the Governor, then goes to the House of Representatives and then to the Senate with the final budget on April 15th. KCTCS has three important “asks”: performance-based funding increase, dual credit from one-third to a one-half rate, asset preservation of two hundred million.
PLT: WKCTC was the first to host Dr. Jay Box’s retirement farewell. Dr. Box will be retiring as KCTCS President on June 30th.
Bellwether-Aspen Awards
Dr. Reece, Justin Hill, and Paducah Mayor, Brandi Harless, represented WKCTC at the Bellwether Community Colleges Final Assembly. WKCTC was a four-time finalist in the Bellwether national competition.
Dr. Renea Akin reported that we submitted a round two application with the Aspen Institute, and WKCTC was invited to participate in a conference call for an interview. In April, we will learn if we have been selected in the next top ten. If selected, we will host an on-site visit, which is the next step in the Aspen prize process.
Budget – Susan Graves
Susan Graves reported past, present, and future updates of the budget. The past 2019 fiscal year resulted in clean grant audits, clean A-133, clean general audits, and had funds remaining at the end of the 2019 fiscal year. These funds carried over to the reserves. From the reserves for the 2020 fiscal year, we have put $477,000 aside for the KRS (retirement fund), spent $25,000 on a van, $225,000 for a one-time bonus to faculty and staff, and $150,000 for the MLRC roof. The possible impacts on the fiscal 2021year budget include the outcome of the KRS pension, the dual credit percentage possible increase, state allocations and performance-based funding could be cut or increased, which would also impact the budget. In addition, the tuition rates are not set for next year until the April or May Board of Regents meeting. We will do our budget based on what KCTCS thinks the rates will be. The WKCTC detailed budget will be brought before the board at the May meeting.
Enrollment – Octavia Lawrence
Octavia reported that the total credential seeking students for spring of 2020 is currently 2,929, which is down 181 from spring of last year. In terms of total headcount, which includes credential seeking, workforce, and dual credit we are currently at 4,535, which is down 515. The total headcount will rise as more workforce classes are entered.
Campus Operations – Shay Nolan
Shay Nolan reported that the MLRC roof and skylight replacement came in $200,000 more than expected, so it has gone back to the drawing board to look at different materials. In regards to the repairs on the Emerging Technology Center, the glazing is in production to replace the panels damaged due to a vehicle hitting the front of the building. The Anderson Technical Building will undergo some updates for data and reception space to prepare for the University of Louisville Dental Program partnership.
Lee Emmons gave an overview of the upcoming Regional Educators Awards on March 5th in the Clemens Fine Arts Center. Nominations for outstanding educators were solicited from Pre-K-12 throughout the region. The nominees were then invited to submit an application, and these individuals will be recognized during the event with finalists and winners selected in various categories. Sponsors are solicited to establish a Future Educator Scholarship.
Lee also announced the annual Donor Appreciation Reception to be held in the Student Center on March19, 2020. The reception recognizes and honors 2019 donors in different categories.
Kevin O’Neill announced the 2nd Regional Workforce Economic Development Symposium will be held on April 17, 2020 in the Emerging Technology Center. We currently have 75 pre-registered for this event. This year’s subject is Entrepreneurships and Apprenticeships. Congressman James Comer will be updating us on activities in Washington, DC.; Josh Benton, Deputy Secretary of Workforce Development; and Jeff Taylor, Commissioner of Business Development, will be with us. We also have Robert Taylor, Director of Sustainability and Diana Jarboe, Apprenticeship Project Director. We will have panelists and break-out sessions for the event.
Tammy Thompson announced that spring WKCTC graduation would be on May 9, 2020 with two ceremonies at 10:30 and 1:30 at the Four Rivers Carson Center. The speaker for the spring ceremonies will be Colonel Crystal Dilworth. Honors will be held on April 30, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the Clemens Fine Arts Center.
V. Adjournment
Chair Kelley thanked everyone for their attendance and adjourned the meeting at 2:55 p.m.