October 2020
West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Board of Directors
October 6, 2020 2:00-4:00pm
Microsoft Teams
The meeting was called to order by Chair Kelley, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Kelley announced the Board of Directors meeting was being held virtually and being recorded for the minutes. He instructed the board members to use their camera and microphone during roll call and voting. Board members present were Heather Coltharp, Summer Holland, Larry Kelley, Dennis Lacy, Barry McDonald, Chuck Murphy, Nadia Pacheco, and Chris Roty. Others in attendance were Dr. Anton Reece, Dr. Renea Akin, Lee Emmons, Dr. Uppinder Mehan, Shay Nolan, Emily Peck, Dr. Kate Senn, Clay Ryckert, Ruby Rodgers, Tammy Thompson, Cody Vannerson, and Melissa Allcock, assistant secretary.
A motion was made by Mr. Chuck Murphy and seconded by Mr. Barry McDonald to approve the minutes of the May 12, 2020 meeting. Motion passed.
III. New Business
Chair Kelley introduced the new student representative to the Board, Nadia Pacheco. Nadia is a sophomore at WKCTC and majoring in an Associate of Arts Video Production.
Election of officers – Chair Kelley read the list of previously submitted nominees for the 2020-2021 officer elections. Hearing no nominations from the floor, Chair Kelley called for a motion to cease nominations. Motion was made by Mr. Barry McDonald and seconded by Mr. Dennis Lacy for nominations to cease. The officers for 2020-2021are, Chair, Mr. Chuck Murphy; Vice-Chair, Mr. Barry McDonald; Secretary, Mr. Chris Roty; and Melissa Allcock, Assistant Secretary.
Academic Affairs – Dr. Uppinder Mehan and Kate Senn
Dr. Mehan reported that we are beginning to refocus on our non-traditional student population by looking for ways to schedule flexibility and programming that appeals to them while ensuring the appropriate support services are available. We have spent time with community outreach to develop new programs to meet the needs of the community. More information forthcoming on the new programs. Dr. Mehan updated the Board on the adjustments being made to the fall semester due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Dr. Kate Senn reported that in the spring 2021 semester, we would continue the three-pronged approach of some classes in-person, some online, and some classes meeting once per week. An assessment will be made in the coming weeks to ensure these classes are still a good fit for our students. We will also be identifying challenges that students faced in the fall to be better prepared for the spring.
Enrollment and Advising – Emily Peck
Emily reported a slight decrease in first-time credential seeking enrollment from the prior year and an overall decrease in total credential seeking students of 6.5%. Our total headcount is down about 23% from prior year. The biggest decline is from our high school dual credit students with limited access to the schools, and workforce is coming in behind due to not being able to have training.
Emily introduced the new team advising model for the student population and the team approach to advising. The reasons for the new advising approach are to identify academic and non-academic barriers, create equity in the advising experience, student-centered and much more than registration, connect students to resources and track referrals, track the GPA, and target workshops for students. She reported that we have virtual and in-person support for our students with the campus cupboard and student activities.
Campus Operations – Shay Nolan
Shay Nolan reported that the system crisis response team and local crisis management teams are continuing to meet. He noted PPE and cleaning supplies are fully stocked, and the security patrols have returned to their regular schedule. Information technology has been ordering laptops and cameras to meet the needs of virtual meetings. He reported a door monitor and door release system is being installed at the Paducah School of Art and Design (PSAD) for extra security. Lastly, installing the skylight replacement in the Matheson Learning Resource Center (MLRC), which houses the campus library, should begin in the next couple of months.
Healthcare Campaign – Lee Emmons
Lee Emmons reported that the Healthcare Education-To-Work endowment is designed to provide annual support to the nursing and allied health programs to maintain the highest quality standards in staffing and academic programming. We are in the planning stages of the campaign. A primary committee of Paducah Junior College Board of Trustees Chair, both past and present, community volunteers, and WKCTC staff members, has been formed. Also, subcommittees from nursing and allied health deans and faculty, WKCTC marketing and communications staff, WKCTC and PJC Boards, and external contractor, Mazzone Communications has been formed. The committee’s roles are to complete research and feasibility of the project by March 2021. Including:
- Gauge community’s perception of proposed project.
- Evaluate donor base and ability of supporters to give large donations
- Available internal resources and where resources are lacking
- External factors that may affect campaign
- Past giving to your organization
- Donations to other organizations
An overview of the campaign plans and need along with program information from Deans Gholson and Hopper of the nursing and allied health will present at the November 19 joint Board meeting.
Aspen – Dr. Renea Akin
Dr. Akin reported that we had a successful hosting of our latest Aspen visit, held virtually. The Aspen committee was very complimentary of Board Chair Larry Kelley’s enthusiasm and support for the college. The next steps involve the Aspen interview committee taking the information back to the full Aspen committee, and they will make their selection and announcement in early March.
Graduation – Tammy Thompson
Tammy Thompson outlined WKCTC’s plans for walk-through graduation for our spring and summer 2020 graduates to be held on November 6 and 7 in the Clemens Fine Arts Center and again on December 11 and 12 for our fall 2020 students. The television department will be recording these ceremonies and putting them on our YouTube channel for later viewing.
PLT Update – Dr. Anton Reece
Dr. Reece announced that with KCTCS President Dr. Jay Box’s retirement on September 30, 2020, Dr. Paul Czarapata, Vice President and Chief Information Officer would serve as the Interim until the selection of a new President has been announced.
V. Chair’s Report
Mr. Larry Kelley congratulated the new officers and looks forward to working with them during his service on the Board. Mr. Kelley reminded the Board of the virtual meeting of both the PJC Board of Trustees and the WKCTC Board of Directors on November 19, 2020.
VI. Adjournment
Chair Kelley adjourned the meeting at 2:45 p.m.