March 2021
West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Board of Directors
March 2, 2021 2:00-4:00pm - Microsoft Teams
The meeting was called to order by Chair Murphy, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Board members virtually present were Heather Coltharp, Summer Holland, Larry Kelley, Barry McDonald, Chuck Murphy, Nadia Pacheco, and Chris Roty. Others in virtual attendance were Dr. Anton Reece, Renea Akin, Janett Blythe, Bridget Canter, Lee Emmons, Octavia Lawrence, Dr. Uppinder Mehan, Shay Nolan, Kevin O’Neill, Emily Peck, Dr. Kate Senn, Clay Ryckert, Ruby Rodgers, Tammy Thompson, Gentry Patterson, Cody Vannerson, media representative, and Melissa Allcock, assistant secretary.
A motion was made by Barry McDonald and seconded by Chris Roty to approve the minutes of the November 19, 2020 meeting. Motion passed.
III. New Business
There was no new business.
IV. Chair’s Report
Mr. Chuck Murphy reported that we are still awaiting new board appointments from the Governor’s office. He also reminded the board of the upcoming annual evaluation process of Dr. Reece and encouraged feedback in a timely manner. The evaluation will be reviewed at the May board meeting.
WKCTC DEI Guarantee – Dr. Anton Reece and Lee Emmons
An overview of the guiding documents for the use of the NPT/Scott Grant was presented. Dr. Reece outlined the seven sectors framework, and Lee Emmons reported the estimated dollar amounts for utilization of the $15,000,000 grant funds of the WKCTC DEI Guarantee.
- Higher Education Enhancement
- Endowed to support recurring costs of $5,000,000 –$400,00 (Year 1) ($200,000 Non-recurring).
- Year 1 includes non-recurring contribution of $200,000 to Community Scholarship Program
- Community Connections
- $100,000 (Non-recurring)
- Expanding Rural Access
- $50,000 (Non-recurring)
- Workforce Training and Job Readiness
- $100,00 (Non-recurring)
- Student Success Academic Support Center
- Endowed to support recurring costs $6,500,000 - $250,000 (Year 1)
- Support for Non-Academic Student Needs
- $20,000 (Year 1)
- b. Recurring @ $10,000-$20,000, funded from Sector 5 Endowment
- Faculty/Staff/College Support
- $350,000 (Non-recurring)
- Nursing & Allied Health Programs Long-term Support (Contribution to Healthcare Endowment)
- Year 1 (Non-recurring total) - $1,270,000
- Total Assigned - $14,270,000
- Remaining/Unassigned - $730,000
Remaining grant funds could be invested to provide for:
- Higher than estimated costs from Sector 1 and/or Sector 5
- To provide funds if there are bad market years where earnings don’t support needs
- To support the application-based projects/programs
- To support “Other” items from each sector
As proposed: At least $13,000,000, or 87% of the grant, will be invested for long-term usage and impact with, 13% used for immediate or short-term impact.
A Scott/NPT Grant Committee has been formed to receive and review input on the seven sectors. The committee is chaired by PJC Board of Trustees, Vice-Chair, Chris Black, WKCTC Board of Directors Chair, Chuck Murphy, Sid Hancock and Teresa Spann, both PJC Board of Trustees members, Dr. Reece and Lee Emmons. It was noted that PJC Board of Trustees Chair Anne Gwinn would be included in the committee meetings to remain informed on the activities involving the grant.
Covid-19 – Bridget Canter
Bridget Canter gave a Covid-19 update of the #Healthy@WKCTC plan. On March 16, 2020, remote instruction began, and on March 18, 2020, remote work began. There was a phased reopening on June 1, 2020. On August 1, 2020, online, hybrid, and face-to-face classes began with 50% staffing restrictions. March 2021, we have the same modes of course delivery, and the 50% staffing remains. WKCTC Covid-19 cases have been tracked since August 1, 2020, and WKCTC has had 126 students and 29 employee cases for a total of 155 reported cases. Bridget added that there had been a significant decrease in reported cases.
Budget FY21 Update – Bridget Canter
Bridget Canter gave a wrap-up of the FY2020 budget, reporting a tuition shortfall of $957,000 but ended the budget year will a small surplus that was added to the WKCTC operating fund balance. Fiscal year 2021 had some positive budget components with a tuition and dual credit tuition increase. Also, the KERS employer contribution rate was frozen at 49.47% compared to an expected increase, and there was no cut to state appropriations. However, the pandemic continued, and the decrease in enrollment and other revenue sources (i.e., food service, vending, commission on book sales) resulted in a $2,725,700 budgeted shortfall to date. The shortfall is being addressed with salary savings, reduction in operating expenses, operating fund balance, and Covid-19 relief funds. WKCTC received Covid-19 relief funding of $2,701,305, with $1,222,257 of that amount paid directly to students. The deadline to spend the remainder of the funds (restrictions) is May 2021. WKCTC will be receiving round two of relief funding soon. The award amount is $6,080,214 (less restrictive) and must be used within one year of receipt.
Fiscal year 22 outlook
Governor’s Proposal: up the base state appropriation by 1%
Legislative Proposal: “Continuation Budget” with no increase to state appropriation
Additional items being monitored:
Unlikely tuition rate increase
KERS employer contribution (potential annual cost of $400,000)
Minimum wage increase to $15/hr.
The FY22 budget development will begin in April and be brought before the board for approval at the May meeting.
Enrollment Updates – Emily Peck
Emily Peck reported a 9% increase in our first-time credential-seeking students for spring 2021, and within that group, there was an increase in non-traditional students aging 20-24. The total credential-seeking student enrollment has decreased by 9.2%, and the total headcount has decreased by 17%. There has been a decline in both dual credit enrollment and workforce training due to the pandemic challenges.
Emily highlighted the summer/fall enrollment initiatives, including March Madness registration, high school visits, postcard mailings, and increase outreach to local businesses and Chamber.
Emily gave an overview of how students are being supported by providing them assistance and resources for food insecurities and other needs through the Hunger Relief Grant and the Student emergency/Community of Concern.
Campus Operations – Shay Nolan
Shay Nolan reported that the MLRC roof replacement project is underway, with a skylight being replaced as part of the project.
Shay applauded the essential personnel of Campus Operations that remained on campus during the recent inclement weather event.
Shay noted that the Strategic Need Projects had been submitted to the system office for approval. Some projects include roofing, switchgear, sidewalks, parking lot, and road maintenance. Other projects include ADA restrooms in Haws Gymnasium, replacing the bleachers, further surveillance for parking lots, structural work, and elevator replacement in the Allied Health Building.
Shay noted that the Campus Operations, administration offices have moved to the 1st floor in Carson Hall.
Shay reported due to assumed opposition; Hucks has dropped their application for a gas station at the old Guy Gray building.
- Regional Educators Awards
- Regional Workforce Economic Development Symposium
- Graduation
Lee Emmons announced that the Regional Educators Awards would be aired virtually on the WKCTC Facebook page and YouTube at 6 p.m. on March 11, 2021. Lieutenant Governor Jacqueline Coleman will be the guest speaker and offer remarks as a former educator and advocate for educators. There are 60 award nominees from 11 school districts in our region.
Lee noted that a very important part of the program is scholarships supported by the program sponsors each year. This year the gold level partner is the PJC Foundation, the silver sponsor is CFSB, the bronze sponsors of the event are CSI, Paducah Ford, Ken Wheeler, Paducah Sun/WPSD.
Kevin O’Neill announced the second annual WKCTC Economic Development Symposium, “Retooling Post Covid.” The event will be virtual on April 15, 2021, from 9:00-11:30 a.m. The primary sponsor of the event is Paducah Bank. Speakers include Matt Tackett, President/CEO of Kentucky Association for Economic Development, and Kate Shanks, Vice President Public Affairs of Kentucky Chamber of Commerce. Panel discussions include Regional Economic Development leaders and Regional Chamber of Commerce leaders. Regional state elected officials will present legislative updates.
Tammy Thompson outlined WKCTC’s plans for the virtual spring 2021 Honors and Commencement ceremonies. The Honors ceremony will premiere on Saturday, May 1, 2021, and the Graduation ceremony will premiere on May 8, 2021. Both ceremonies will be available on the WKCTC Facebook page and YouTube channel. Additional details of the ceremonies are ongoing.
VI. Adjournment
A motion was made by Barry McDonald and seconded by Chris Roty to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed, and Chair Murphy adjourned the meeting at 3:22 p.m.