May 2021
West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Board of Directors
May 11, 2021 2:00-4:00pm
Microsoft Teams
I. Call to Order
The virtual meeting was called to order by Chair Murphy, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Board members virtually present were Heather Coltharp, Summer Holland, Larry Kelley, Barry McDonald, Chuck Murphy, and Nadia Pacheco. Others in virtual attendance were Dr. Anton Reece, Janett Blythe, Bridget Canter, Lee Emmons, Octavia Lawrence, Dr. Uppinder Mehan, Shay Nolan, Kevin O’Neill, Emily Peck, Ruby Rodgers, Gentry Patterson, Cody Vannerson, media representative, and Melissa Allcock, assistant secretary.
II. Approval of the Minutes
A motion was made by Barry McDonald and seconded by Heather Coltharp to approve the minutes of the March 2, 2021 meeting. Motion passed.
III. Chair’s Report
Unsung Hero Awards
Chair Murphy thanked and congratulated all WKCTC faculty and staff for all they have done since the beginning of the pandemic and recognized the hardship. He announced that the Chair’s Unsung Hero Awards went to Emily Esau, Faculty; Monica Collier, Support Staff; and Dan Shepard, Administrative Staff. The awards recognize those that go above and beyond their daily job responsibilities.
Chair Murphy reminded the board of the upcoming Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence award ceremony on May 18, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. CST. The board may attend the WKCTC Watch Party in the Clemens Fine Arts Center or register to receive the virtual link from the Aspen Institute.
Student Representative
Chair Murphy acknowledged Student Board Representative Nadia Pacheco’s graduation and last board meeting with well wishes and congratulations. Nadia stated that she is unsure of her post-graduation plans but has enjoyed her time at WKCTC and the Paducah School of Art & Design. The new student board representative for 2021-2022 is the Student Government Association President, Krystian Clayton.
IV. President’s Report
Second Annual Economic Development Symposium – Kevin O’Neill
Kevin O’Neill gave a recap of the virtual second annual WKCTC Economic Development Symposium, held on April 15, 2021. There were 115 in attendance and great feedback on the event, with many items to build on for future sessions.
WKCTC Guarantee Award Presentations – Dr. Anton Reece and Lee Emmons
There have been two virtual awards presentations from Sector 2, Community Connections, of the seven sector WKCTC Guarantee. Sector 2 recognizes area organizations serving diverse and low-income populations. Thirty organizations that face barriers to education was recognized for their work in the community. The organizations received an overall total of a little less than $30,000 in direct support and a little more than $60,000 in scholarship value. The awards were made possible through the Mackenzie Scott NPT Grant.
Aspen Announcement – Dr. Reece and Lee Emmons
An Aspen Prize Announcement Watch party will be held on May 18, 2021, in the Clemens Fine Arts Center. Social distancing restrictions have moved to 3 feet for forward-facing classrooms allowing the theatre to accommodate up to 230 people. Refreshments will be served beginning at 11:00. Dr. Reece will join remotely from Versailles, Kentucky, where he will be attending the monthly President’s leadership meeting. There will be local video presentations before the virtual Aspen Institute ceremony begins at 12:00 CST. First Lady Dr. Jill Biden and Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona will be speaking in the virtual ceremony from Washington, D.C. We will hear comments locally from Kentucky Lieutenant Governor Coleman. WKCTC is among the ten finalists for the coveted Aspen Prize.
Fiscal Year 2022 Budget – Bridget Canter
Bridget Canter gave a brief update of the fiscal year 2021 budget before presenting the 2022 budget.
Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Wrap-Up
- Budgeted Tuition Revenue Shortfall to Date: $2,491,394
- Budgeted Unrestricted Operating Expenses
- Total Budgeted: $26,431,158
- Expended to Date: $18,602,016
- Remaining: $7,800,223
- Total Budgeted: $26,431,158
- COVID-19 Relief Funds
- Total Received to Date: $9,595,902
- Total Expended to Date: $7,771,242
- Remaining: $1,824,660
- Total Received to Date: $9,595,902
Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Components
- No increase in state appropriations
- No increase to tuition rate
- Projected enrollment between Fall 2019 and Fall 2020
- Dual Credit tuition rate increase to 50%
- American Rescue Plan expected funds: $10,657,000
- Personnel transferred from grants
- Nursing compensation program
Bridget reviewed the 2021-2022 Operating Budget sent earlier to the board via email. The board will vote on the budget during the meeting.
V. Old Business
There was no old business.
VI. New Business
2021-2022 Proposed WKCTC Board of Directors Meeting Dates
The board received a copy of the proposed meeting dates for 2021-2022 via email. Chair Murphy called for a motion to approve the meeting dates. A motion was made by Heather Coltharp and seconded by Summer Holland to approve the dates. Motion passed. The 2021-2022 meeting dates are as follows:
- October 5, 2021 - 2:00 p.m.
- November 18, 2021 - 12:00 p.m. Joint meeting with the PJC Board of Trustees
- March 1, 2022 - 2:00 p.m.
- May 10, 2022 - 2:00 p.m.
- July 26, 2022 – 8:00 to noon Board Retreat
Approval of FY 2022 Budget
Chair Murphy called for a motion to approve the fiscal year 2022 budget previously presented by Bridget Canter. A motion to approve the budget was made by Barry McDonald and seconded by Heather Coltharp. Motion passed.
Evaluation of Dr. Anton Reece
Chair Murphy announced that all seven board members participated in the evaluation process of Dr. Anton Reece. Dr. Reece received overall meets or exceeds expectations from the board.
The board identified two important contributions during the last year.
- Dr. Reece was always visible and accessible and provided clear and timely communications with the students, staff, community, and the boards during the most devastating and unpredictable circumstances surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic
- WKCTC received a series of awards directly related to the excellent leadership and inspirational guidance of Dr. Reece. The most noted award was the $15 million MacKenzie Scott grant in which Dr. Reece helped create the seven sectors to ensure the funds are properly used
The board identified two areas for Dr. Reece to focus on during 2021-2022
- Move the college past the pandemic while keeping in mind the protection of the students and staff
- Continuing guidance of the seven sectors of the MacKenzie Scott grant. The grant is a generational change for diversity, equity, and inclusion for our community and the college
Overall, Dr. Reece is a great asset to WKCTC and is leading the college in the right direction. He works closely with his Cabinet, which continues to keep students and faculty at heart. Dr. Reece has a passion for education that is second to none.
Dr. Reece thanked Chair Murphy and the board for the feedback on the evaluation. He acknowledged the consistent achievements of the college to the incredible talents of the team and broader campus leadership.
Chair Murphy called for a vote to approve the evaluation of Dr. Reece. Heather Coltharp made a motion to approve the evaluation, and Barry McDonald seconded the motion. Motion passed.
VII. Adjournment
A motion was made by Barry McDonald and seconded by Mr. Murphy to adjourn the meeting. Chair Murphy adjourned the meeting at 3:00 p.m.