March 2022 Appendices | WKCTC

March 2022 Appendices


WKCTC Current Mission Statement

West Kentucky Community and Technical College champions student success, provides excellence in teaching and learning and advances economic development.  The College:

  • advances academic excellence and intellectual inquiry through the collaboration between engaged learners and dedicated faculty and staff;
  • provides premier academic and student services to foster student success;
  • delivers innovative, flexible access to education with pathways to transfer and/or employability;
  • cultivates community partnerships as an integral component in assessing and providing programs for cultural, educational, economic, and civic development;
  • responds to community needs through customized training and continuing education to meet the changing demands of regional business and industry; and
  • fosters a campus culture advancing diversity and inclusion and promoting equity and global responsibility.

Proposed Mission Statement Revisions

  • West Kentucky Community and Technical College (REMOVED: prioritizes) promotes equity as we champion student success, provide excellence in teaching and learning, and advance economic development within a diverse and inclusive campus community.  West Kentucky Community and Technical College is a member of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System
  • OR
  • West Kentucky Community and Technical College, a member of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, (REMOVED: prioritizes) promotes equity as we champion student success, provide excellence in teaching and learning, and advance economic development within a diverse and inclusive campus community


Current Values

  • Flexibility and innovation
  • Quality and excellence
  • Openness and accountability
  • Continuous improvement
  • Data-informed and outcomes-driven decision making
  • Inclusion, equity, respect, and global diversity
  • Economic, social, environmental sustainability

Proposed Values

  • Flexibility and Innovation
  • Quality and excellence
  • Openness and accountability
  • Continuous improvement
  • Data-informed and outcomes-driven decision making
  • Inclusion, equity, respect, and global diversity
  • Economic, social, environmental sustainability

Current Statement:

West Kentucky Community and Technical College will empower individuals to achieve excellence through innovative and equitable learning opportunities and will continue to be a nationally preeminent community college.

*Proposed Statement:

West Kentucky Community and Technical College will empower individuals to achieve excellence through innovative and equitable learning opportunities that link to higher education, national and regional footprint and workforce. (REMOVED: will continue to be a nationally preeminent community college.)

* Still Under Review



Federal and state aid provided to address the impact of COVID-19 on institutions and students

  • Amounts received
    • Round I: WKCTC awards totaled $2,701,305
      • $1,222,257 paid directly to students
    • Round II: WKCTC awards totaled $6,080,214 
      • $1,222,257 paid directly to students
    • Round III: WKCTC awards totaled $10,649,778
      • $5,492,547 paid directly to students