May 2022
West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Board of Directors
May 25, 2022 2:00-4:00 p.m. - Emerging Technology Center 216
The meeting was called to order by Chair Murphy, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Board members present were Gorman Bradley, Krystian Clayton, Heather Coltharp, Summer Holland, Kenneth Hurt, Barry McDonald, Chuck Murphy, and Jay Simmons. Others in attendance were Dr. Anton Reece, Dr. Renea Akin, Janett Blythe, Bridget Canter, Lee Emmons, Shay Nolan, Emily Peck, Dr. Kate Senn, Brent Taylor, Geelyn Warren, and Melissa Allcock, assistant secretary.
Approval of the Minutes
A motion was made by Mr. Gorman Bradley and seconded by Ms. Heather Coltharp to approve the minutes of the March 1, 2022 meeting. Motion passed.
Unsung Hero Awards
Chair Murphy announced that the Chair's Unsung Hero Awards were presented at the May 7 graduation ceremonies. The Student Award went to Zoey Perry, and the Faculty Award went to Amy Sullivan, Director of Library Services. The awards recognize those that fly below the radar in their campus activities and responsibilities.
Student Representative
Chair Murphy acknowledged Student Board Representative Krystian Clayton's last board meeting by thanking her for her service on the Board and wishing her well as she continues her education and career journey. The new student board representative for 2022-2023 is the Student Government Association President, Lexie Harned.
2022-2023 Proposed Meeting Dates
The Board reviewed the proposed meeting dates for 2022-2023 and did not anticipate any conflicts with the schedule. However, due to conflicts with the July 26, 2022 Retreat, the Board chose August 10, 2022, as the alternate date.
The 2023 meeting dates are as follows.
- October 11, 2022 - 2:00 p.m.
- November 17, 2022 - 12:00 p.m. Joint meeting with the PJC Board of Trustees
- March 7, 2023 - 2:00 p.m.
- May 9, 2023 - 2:00 p.m.
- July 25, 2023 - 8:00 to noon Board Retreat
Chair Murphy also reported that the Board member vacancy is still awaiting appointment and noted other colleges are receiving commissions and is hopeful the vacancy will be filled soon.
President's Leadership Team (PLT) and Board of Regents (BOR) Update
Dr. Reece reported that the KCTCS BOR would be meeting on June 9 and 10. One of the items on the agenda is compensation for faculty and staff. Dr. Reece noted that employees had gone several years without raises, and the Regents will decide on compensation during the meeting.
Strategic Plan 2022-2026
Mr. Brent Taylor presented the proposed Mission, Values, and Vision of the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan.
Proposed Mission
West Kentucky Community and Technical College promotes equity as we champion student success, provide excellence in teaching and learning, and advance economic development within a diverse and inclusive campus community.
West Kentucky Community and Technical College is a member of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System.
Proposed Values
- Flexibility and innovation
- Quality and excellence
- Openness and accountability
- Continuous improvement
- Data-informed and outcomes-driven decision making
- Inclusion, equity, respect, and global diversity
- Collaboration and teamwork
- Economic, social, and environmental sustainability
Proposed Vision
West Kentucky Community and Technical College, a nationally preeminent college, will have a significant regional economic footprint by empowering *individuals to achieve excellence through innovative and equitable learning opportunities.
*Ms. Warren explained individuals include our students and workforce training participants.
Ms. Geelyn Warren presented the strategic plan's goals, objectives, and key performance indicators (KPI).
- Organizational Success
- Student Supports
- Economic Development
The strategic plan has three goals, seven objectives, and ten key performance indicators. See Appendix B for complete details.
Ms. Warren reported four next steps in the Strategic Plan process pending the Board's approval.
- Benchmarking for approved metrics to develop targets for Key Performance Indicators
- Work with units to develop Action Strategies
- Identify potential Leading Indicators
- June KCTCS Board of Regents approval of college Mission
Mr. Jay Simmons complimented the committee for their work on the understandable, equal goals of the strategic plan.
Fiscal Year 2023 Budget
Ms. Bridget Canter briefly updated the fiscal year 2022 budget before presenting the 2023 budget.
- Budgeted Tuition Revenue Shortfall to Date: $2,107,578.79
- Total represents both credential seeking and non-credential seeking enrollment
- Budgeted Unrestricted Operating Expenses
- Total Budgeted: $27,900,116.37
- Expended to Date: $20,675,298.34
- Remaining: $7,138,612.45
- Total Budgeted: $27,900,116.37
Ms. Canter continued to the fiscal year 2023 budget development presentation.
Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Development
+ 16% increase in state appropriations via the performance funding model
+ Dual Credit tuition rate increase to 50% of the KCTCS tuition rate
+ Proposed tuition per credit hour rate increase*
- Enrollment remains a challenge
- Federal COVID relief disbursements
*Final tuition rate determined at the KCTCS Board of Regents meeting on June 10
+ Asset Preservation Pool
- Hard to fill positions
- Facilities maintenance and operations costs
+/- Salary/Compression increases*
*Final compensation determined at the KCTCS Board of Regents meeting on June 10
- Budgeted amount mirrors FY22
- $1.7M below pre-COVID
- 69% of unrestricted general fund expenses
- Board of Regents salary/compression scenarios
- 12-15 scenarios developed and analyzed for impact
- Three scenarios will be presented to BOR for a vote
- FY23 budget represents a "worst-case scenario"
Ms. Canter then reviewed the 2022-2023 Operating Budget sent earlier to the Board via email. Appendix A
Workforce Solutions Update
Dr. Reece shared Workforce Solution highlights. First, the minority small business/entrepreneur training has exceeded the expectations from a hopeful twenty participants to over sixty in attendance. Also, an all-female Inmate Re-Entry Training was designed to ready inmates for work after incarceration. Another highlight includes funding for the Aviation program. We are also hopeful as a part of the America Competes Act to receive funding as a Center of Excellence designee. We are also looking at support from the PJC Foundation to expand our CDL training.
Approval of 2022-2026 Strategic Plan
Chair Murphy called for a motion to approve the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan presented by Mr. Brent Taylor and Ms. Geelyn Warren. Mr. Jay Simmons made a motion to approve the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan, and Mr. Gorman Bradley seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Approval of FY 2023 Budget
Chair Murphy called for a motion to approve the fiscal year 2023 budget presented by Ms. Bridget Canter. A motion to approve the budget was made by Mr. Barry McDonald and seconded by Mr. Kenneth Hurt. Motion passed.
Evaluation of Dr. Anton Reece
Chair Murphy presented the results of the annual evaluation of Dr. Reece.
The Board identified two key contributions Dr. Reece made that have enabled WKCTC to move forward this past year.
- Student and Community-oriented
- Promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion not only on campus but in the community.
- Addressing the issues of campus transportation
- Ensures the overall safety of the students with the weather conditions and continuing Covid-19 issues
- Started a Healthcare Counts campaign to ensure students receive the education they need to go directly into the workforce, which is critical to the high-demand field
- Series of Awards and Honors WKCTC has received directly related to the excellent leadership
and inspirational guidance of Dr. Reece
- Most notably, the fifth Aspen prize award
- Continues to monitor the Makenzie Scott Endowment to ensure the funds are properly used. He realizes the impact the funds have on the region and WKCTC. Therefore, he has chosen leaders for each sector based on their expertise.
The Board identified two areas for Dr. Reece to focus on during 2022-2023
- Grow enrollment to pre-Covid-19 numbers
- Continue to monitor faculty and staff morale
- Compensation concerns
Overall, Dr. Reece is a great asset to WKCTC, and even with the challenging times of the past year, he has still managed to lead WKCTC in the right direction. He is working hard in the community to promote the school and keeps striving to make WKCTC the school it can be.
Dr. Reece thanked Chair Murphy and the Board for the evaluation and feedback. He recognized that he is incredibly fortunate to have the support of his team to continue to provide students with opportunities to succeed and stay in our region. Dr. Reece commented on the commitment to a plan to address the enrollment issues and compensation.
Chair Murphy called for a vote to approve the evaluation of Dr. Reece. Mr. Gorman Bradley made a motion to approve the evaluation, and Mr. Jay Simmons seconded the motion. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Barry McDonald and seconded by Mr. Gorman Bradley to adjourn the meeting. Chair Murphy adjourned the meeting at 3:03 p.m.
Melissa Allcock, Assistant Secretary