October 2022
West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Board of Directors
October 11, 2022 2:00-4:00 p.m. - Emerging Technology Center 109
The meeting was called to order by Chair Murphy, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Board members present were Gorman Bradley, Heather Coltharp, Lexie Harned, Kenneth Hurt, Erika Mehta, Chuck Murphy, and Jay Simmons. Other attendees were Dr. Anton Reece, Dr. Renea Akin, Janett Blythe, Bridget Canter, Lee Emmons, Shay Nolan, Kevin O'Neill, Dr. Kate Senn, Kyle Fisher, Lindsey Gipson, Trent Johnson, and Melissa Allcock, assistant secretary.
Approval of the Minutes
A motion was made by Gorman Bradley and seconded by Erika Mehta to approve the minutes of the May 25, 2022, meeting. No discussion and the motion passed.
III. New Business
Election of Board Officers
After noting that Jay Simmons had been nominated for Chair and Barry McDonald for Vice-Chair before the meeting, Chair Murphy called for nominations from the floor for the offices of Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary. Gorman Bradley volunteered to serve as the Board secretary. Jay Simmons moved that Mr. Bradley be added to the ballot, and Erika Mehta seconded. There were no further nominations for officers. Erika Mehta moved that the nominees be elected by acclamation, and Gorman Bradley seconded the motion. No discussion and the motion passed. The Board officers for 2022-2023 are Jay Simmons, Chair; Barry McDonald, Vice-Chair; and Gorman Bradley, Secretary. In addition, Chair-Elect Jay Simmons moved to appoint Melissa Allcock as assistant secretary to the Board, and Gorman Bradley seconded the motion. No discussion and the motion passed.
Vice President of Advancement Recognition
Dr. Reece presented Lee Emmons with a plaque for her work as the Vice President of Institutional Advancement and Executive Director of the PJC Foundation. Ms. Emmons will be leaving the college later in the month.
Healthcare Compaign and MacKenzie Scott Grant Sector Updates - Lee Emmons
Lee reported on the wrap-up of the Healthcare Campaign, with a final event to be held on October 27 in the Allied Health Building. Current donations, including the PJC matching funds, are at 3.6 million exceeding the 3 million dollar goal of the campaign.
Dr. Reece assisted Lee Emmons and gave updates from the seven sectors of the MacKenzie Scott Grant. Assessment measures have been developed by the sector leads to observe data for performance and outcomes of each sector. The next steps include focusing on K-12 with high-wage/high-demand technical pathways and increasing direct entry into the workforce (sector 1). Continuing community connections and outreach will also be at the forefront (sector 2). In addition, Chamber memberships and training, adding incubator spaces and focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion (sector 4). Also, in 2023 the pilot President's Leadership Academy will wrap up (sector 7). On December 15, 2022, a press conference will be held recognizing the second anniversary of the grant award.
Academic Affairs Updates – Dr. Renea Akin
Dr. Akin reported that the fall semester was off to a great start, and faculty are advising students to enroll for the spring. Dr. Kate Senn is working closely with the Deans to ensure the classes for the spring semester have an increased class capacity.
Enrollment, Advising Updates - Trent Johnson
Trent Johnson reported the current fall 2022 headcount is 4,825 students. Trent predicted with additional enrollment in both academic and workforce to wrap up the fall at 5,302, which is a 7.6% increase in headcount from fall 2021. Spring 2023 Total Credential Seeking Enrollment = 431(up 134). Headcount 443 (up 134). There has been an increase of 146 applications (128 of those are credential-seeking) year over year. Strategies to increase spring enrollment include:
- Created a Priority Registration Deadline to help create a timeline for students to enroll.
- Promoting Adult Promise and SOS Scholarships for eligible students.
- Student Services is developing and simplifying the onboarding process for students to get enrolled.
Scholarship Presentation – Kyle Fisher
Kyle Fisher gave an academic scholarship summary. The summary totals do not include the Community Scholarship Program. For the 2022-2023 academic year, 1,307 applications were submitted, with 546 scholarships offered to 398 students and 341 students accepted the offers equaling 62.5%. $1,107,912 scholarship dollars were provided, of which $763,200 were accepted, equaling 68.9% utilization of funds. Kyle continued the presentation with a breakdown of the demographics and geographics of the scholarship awards.
Budget – Bridget Canter
Bridget Canter gave an update on the KCTCS Board of Regents (BOR)compensation decision. The BOR approved a 7% pay increase for all full-time employees hired before April 1, 2022. In addition, a consultant has been selected by KCTCS to complete a system-wide pay equity/compression study and could make recommendations to the BOR by June 2023. The decision not to address compensation at this time resulted in a decrease in the budgeted personnel expense of $175,760 for the college's fiscal year 2023 budget. Bridget also gave an overview of tuition budgeted amounts for both fall 2022 and spring 2023 vs. received amounts for the fall and projected to receive for the spring. While both the fall and the spring tuition income amounts result in a shortfall of the budgeted amounts, Bridget reminded the Board that tuition revenue represents about half of the college's budget. She also included actions to address the impact of the shortfall on the college budget, which included a focus on student retention and enrollment, salary savings from retirees and vacant positions, reduction in expenses, workforce solutions, increases in trainings, grant opportunities, and reserve funds.
Campus Operations – Shay Nolan
Shay Nolan reported that $8 million in state Asset Preservation funds and the President's Infrastructure funds are being utilized for campus renovations and refresh. The Clemens Theater and Haws Gymnasium roofing projects are still being processed at the state level. Campus safety enhancements are continuously reviewed. Waller Hall refresh will begin during the fall of 2022. The Rosenthal building refresh project will start in 2023. Within the first few weeks of the fall semester, the campus shuttle served an additional 200 students. The service and the location app have received positive reviews.
Workforce Solutions – Kevin O'Neill
Kevin O'Neill announced the plans for the Minority Business Summit – Minority Economic
Empowerment Training (M.E.E.T.) on November 17, 2022. The summit will include a keynote
speaker, panel discussions, and breakout sessions focusing on winning Government contracts.
In addition, Kevin thanked the PJC Foundation for helping fund the purchase of an
automatic truck for the growing CDL (Commercial Drivers License)training classes.
Student Government Association (SGA) – Lexie Harned
Lexie Harned, president of the Student Government Association(SGA), gave updates on many activities offered to the students during the fall semester. In addition, she reported that the SGA officers would be attending the 44th Annual National Leadership Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, from October 14-16, 2022.
President's Leadership Team (PLT) Update – Dr. Anton Reece
Dr. Reece reported that a consulting firm hired through KCTCS would look at the colleges' efficiencies and employee compensation.
V. Chair's Report
Allied Health Building Proposed Naming
Mr. Murphy read a proposed resolution and called for a vote of support to rename the Allied Health Building to the Barbara M. Veazey Allied Health Building in 2023. The proposed renaming is in recognition of the significant support WKCTC President Emeritus Dr. Veazey has provided to the college and her history of support in the healthcare education programs. Mr. Jay Simmons made a motion to support the proposed name change, and Mr. Gorman Bradley seconded the motion. No discussion and the motion passed. Dr. Reece will present the proposed resolution to the KCTCS Board of Regents at their December meeting.
Important Upcoming Dates
Mr. Murphy reminded the Board of the upcoming joint board meeting luncheon with the PJC Board of Trustees on November 10 in the ATB Bistro at noon. In addition, he noted the Minority Business Summit on November 17 at 8:00 a.m. in the Emerging Technology Center, room 109, and the December 12 WKCTC graduation ceremony at 7:00 p.m. at the Carson Center.
A motion was made by Erika Mehta and seconded by Heather Coltharp to adjourn the meeting. Chair Murphy adjourned the meeting.
Melissa Allcock, Assistant Secretary