WKCTC Board of Directors Retreat
July 25, 2023, 8:00 - Noon ETC 140
The WKCTC Board of Directors met for an informational retreat on July 25, 2023. Chair Simmons opened the retreat with a welcome and turned the agenda over to Dr. Anton Reece.
Dr. Reece announced that interim Vice Presidents Dr. Renea Akin and Octavia Lawrence would be permanently serving in their roles as part of proactively streamlining processes and efficiencies through restructuring Academic Affairs and Student Services. He also announced that Kevin O'Neill, Vice President of Regional Workforce Training and Economic Development, would retire on August 18, 2023.
Dr. Reece reported the KCTCS Board of Regents met at WKCTC on June 15 -16, 2023. He called on Vice President of Business Affairs and Human Resources, Bridget Canter, to report the impacts of the Regents' decisions on the budget.
Bridget reported that fiscal year 2023 has a projected $320,003 increase in the fund balance. For fiscal year 2024, the Board of Regents approved an unexpected $4 per credit hour tuition rate increase, which projects a $300,000 increase in tuition revenue. The Regents also approved a $2,000 increase to the base salary of all KCTCS full-time employees hired on or before March 31, 2023, with a "Meets" or higher performance evaluation rating. The increase will result in an expense of $637,780 in salary and benefits.
Dr. Renea Akin and Octavia Lawrence reported they are monitoring Senate Bill 150 for the implications it could have on high school dual credit students' courses at WKCTC.
Following the brief updates, the WKCTC Board of Directors embarked on guided tours in the Allied Health Building (AHB) and the Anderson Technical Building (ATB). The tours were led by Dean Shari Gholson(AHB)and Dean Erik Engelland (ATB). Directors engaged with faculty and experienced a hands-on glimpse into some of the programs offered at WKCTC.
Board members present were Gorman Bradley, Heather Coltharp, Jackie Ginter, Lindsey Gipson, Kenneth Hurt, Erika Mehta, Barry McDonald, Chuck Murphy, and Jay Simmons. Other attendees were Dr. Anton Reece, Dr. Renea Akin, Janett Blythe, Bridget Canter, Octavia Lawrence, Shay Nolan, Dr. Kate Senn, Geelyn Warren, and Melissa Allcock, assistant secretary.