May 2023
West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Board of Directors
May 9, 2023 2:00-4:00 p.m. - Anderson Technical Building 101F
The meeting was called to order by Chair Jay Simmons, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Board members present were Gorman Bradley, Heather Coltharp, Lexie Harned, Kenneth Hurt, Barry McDonald, Erika Mehta, and Chuck Murphy. Other attendees were Dr. Anton Reece, Dr. Renea Akin, Janett Blythe, Bridget Canter, Octavia Lawrence, Kevin O'Neill, Geelyn Warren, Lindsey Gipson, incoming Student Representative, and Melissa Allcock, assistant secretary.
II. OLD BUSINESS - Approval of the Minutes
A motion was made by Director Chuck Murphy and seconded by Director Gorman Bradley to approve the minutes of the March 7, 2023, meeting. Motion passed.
Unsung Hero Awards
Chair Simmons recapped the Chair's Unsung Hero Awards that were presented at the May 8 graduation ceremonies. The Student Award went to Cameron Dorris, who is working toward an Associate in Arts Degree, and the Faculty Award went to Associate Professor and Social Science Coordinator Brent Taylor. The awards recognize those that fly below the radar in their campus activities and responsibilities.
Student Representative
Chair Simmons welcomed the new Staff Representative to the Board, Ms. Jackie Ginter. Jackie is from Ballard County and has been at the College since 2017 as the administrative assistant to the Nursing Division. Chair Simmons also acknowledged Student Board Representative Lexie Harned's last board meeting by thanking her for her service on the Board and wishing her well as she continues her education and career journey at WKCTC. The new student board representative for 2023-2024 is the Student Government Association President, Lindsey Gipson, majoring in education.
2023-2024 Proposed Meeting Dates
The Board reviewed the proposed meeting dates for 2023-2024 and did not anticipate any conflicts with the schedule. In addition, the 2023 summer retreat will be on July 25, from 8:00-noon.
The 2023-24 meeting dates are as follows.
- October 10, 2023- 2:00 p.m. Anderson Technical Building 101F
- November 9, 2023 - 12:00 p.m. Joint meeting with the PJC Board of Trustees, Anderson Technical Building Bistro
- March 5, 2024 - 2:00 p.m. Anderson Technical Building 101F
- May 14, 2024 - 2:00 p.m. Anderson Technical Building 101F
- July 23, 2024 – 8:00 to noon Board Retreat Emerging Technology Center 140
Dr. Reece presented Chair Simmons with a plaque as a President's Award winner from the sixth annual Regional Educators and Scholarships Awards held in March. The award recognized Mr. Simmons for his excellence of leadership and service in education. Janett Blythe gave an update on the 20th Anniversary of WKCTC celebrations, noting the Board will be getting invitations for the events.
President's Leadership Team (PLT) and Board of Regents (BOR) Update
Dr. Reece reported that the KCTCS BOR would meet on June 15 and 16 at WKCTC. The Huron consultant group will present opportunity and recommendation results from the study of space and efficiencies of the sixteen colleges. The BOR will also elect officers at the meeting. In addition, Senate Bill Joint Resolution 98 (SJR98) will be among other discussion topics. The resolution is a study of higher education with a particular emphasis on the transfer pathway studies going to the regional four-year universities and the technical pathway studies remaining at the community colleges. Another part of the resolution study regards the feasibility of creating a four-year university in the state's southeastern quarter.
Fiscal Year 2024 Budget
Ms. Bridget Canter briefly provided the Board with closing expense and revenue projections for the fiscal year 2023 budget which will wrap-up on June 30, 2023.
- Projected revenue total (excluding grants): $25,666,998
- Contributing factors:
- Increase in state appropriations
- Increase in tuition rate (credential-seeking & dual credit)
- Contributing factors:
- Projected expense total (excluding grants): $24,594,548
- Contributing factors:
- 7% pay increase
- Salary savings (unfilled positions)
- Final COVID lost revenue reimbursement
- Contributing factors:
Ms. Canter then provided historical budget data from 2019-2022. She noted that there had been a 21% decline in credential-seeking full-time enrollment, a 24% decline in tuition and fees revenue, and a 5% decline in personnel expenses. However, the historical data showed an increase of 2% in state appropriation funding and $8.5 million in CARES reimbursement of lost revenue.
Ms. Canter continued to the fiscal year 2024 budget development presentation.
Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Development
- Revenue
- Performance-based funding decreased by $595,000
- Enrollment numbers impact funding metrics calculations
- No change to the tuition rate
- The Council on Post-Secondary has approved an increase
- KCTCS Board of Regents is not in favor of an increase*
- Enrollment remains a challenge
- Octavia Lawrence, Interim Vice President of Student Services, noted several challenges
and opportunities in enrollment.
- Decrease in the number of high school students
- Reviewing our customer service and barriers to enrollment
- Looking to attract adult students age 25+ (scholarships and community engagement)
- Octavia Lawrence, Interim Vice President of Student Services, noted several challenges
and opportunities in enrollment.
- Performance-based funding decreased by $595,000
- Expenses
- Salary Increase*
- $1,000 salary increase for all full-time employees hired on or before March 31 with a "meets" or higher performance evaluation rating
- Bad Student Debt Increase (approximately $1 million)
- No longer able to utilize the Department of Revenue for collections
- Salary Increase*
*To be voted on at the June 15-16 KCTCS Board of Regents meeting
Ms. Canter then reviewed the proposed WKCTC fiscal year 2023-2024 Operating Budget sent earlier to the Board via email. See the complete operating budget detail in
Appendix A.
- Budget Deficit – Expenses exceed the revenue stream by about $3.5 million
- Must submit a "balanced" budget
- Carry forward reserve (fund balance)as a bridge – this is one-time money
- Reduction scenarios (1, 3, and 5%) – WKCTC Cabinet reviewed their department expenses using the 5% reduction scenario
- Strategic needs
- No additional CARES funding
- Multi-Year Budget Strategy
- Timeframe: 2 years to balance
- Cannot solely "cut" our way to zero deficit
- $3.5 million = roughly 43 full-time positions
- Everything is on the table for review
- Future opportunities/impacts: Be Proactive
- Revenue generation
- Performance Based Funding
- Seek efficiencies/reduce expenses
Chair Simmons favorably mentioned using a portion of the fund balance to close the budget deficit for the fiscal year 2024, realizing we can't do this repetitively with hopes of receiving revenue via tuition increase and other avenues.
Approval of FY 2023 Budget
Chair Simmons called for a motion to approve the fiscal year 2024 budget presented by Ms. Bridget Canter. A motion to approve the budget was made by Director Chuck Murphy and seconded by Director Barry McDonald. Motion passed.
Evaluation of Dr. Anton Reece
Chair Simmons presented the results of the annual evaluation of Dr. Reece.
The Board identified Dr. Reece's key contributions to moving the College forward this past year.
- Contributions included:
- Emphasis on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – which provides a positive experience for all students
- Staying focused on the Mackenzie Scott Grant and the seven sectors of school success
- Navigating the College through the challenge of COVID and getting back to normal with only a slight loss in enrollment and still financially sound
- Continuing to improve the infrastructure and buildings, and grounds of the College
- Raise given to employees
- Expanding course selections
- Representing the College with the KCTCS Board of Regents and Legislature
The Board identified issues for Dr. Reece to focus on during 2023-2024
- Issues included:
- Continue to work to increase enrollment
- Continue to develop technological programs to meet the need of the regional workforce
- Continue to work with Legislators to influence them on important legislation that affects the College (which are many at this time)
- Filling key staff positions that have been vacant for a while
- Continuing to work with and coach young staff to prepare them for key positions in the future
Once again, it is clear that Dr. Reece is an incredible asset to WKCTC. The continuing success in the Aspen rankings solidifies what we already know, that WKCTC is an exceptional institution, and Dr. Reece is a large part of that. The College continues to move in the right direction, and Dr. Reece is tireless in promoting WKCTC at the local, regional, and national levels.
Chair Simmons called for a vote to approve the evaluation of Dr. Reece. Director Erika Mehta made a motion to approve the evaluation, and Director Gorman Bradley seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Dr. Reece thanked Chair Simmons and the Board for the evaluation and concise and constructive feedback and support. He acknowledged that he relies on the Cabinet, Staff, and Student Representatives for their input and expertise to be able to lead and continue to lead this great College. Dr. Reece noted we are in uncertain times and went into the last faculty and staff meetings with clarity because the stakes are high when outlining the budget and making the tough decisions without disrupting the operation. Finally, Dr. Reece encouraged the Board of Directors to be ambassadors for the College and share our story within their network of contacts.
Chair Simmons adjourned the meeting after hearing no further business.
Gorman Bradley, Secretary