November 2023 | WKCTC

Holiday Closing

WKCTC will be closed for the holiday season December 21 - January 5. Campus will reopen on Monday, January 6. Have a safe holiday break!

November 2023

West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Board of Directors and PJC Foundation Board of Trustees Meeting
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Anderson Technical Building, Bistro
12:00 p.m.


Following lunch provided by the WKCTC Culinary Department students under Chef Laura Farrell’s direction, the meeting was called to order by Chair Jay Simmons, beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance. The call to order was concluded with introductions of both Boards. Secretary Gorman Bradley, Heather Coltharp, Jackie Ginter, Lindsey Gipson, Kenneth Hurt, Vice-Chair Barry McDonald, Erika Mehta and Chair Jay Simmons were present from the WKCTC Board of Directors. PJC Foundation Board of Trustees members attending were Chris Black, Ann Denton, Anne Gwinn, Sid Hancock, Eric Straub, Dr. William Wheeler, Ken Wheeler, John Williams, and Susan Ybarzabal. Others in attendance were Dr. Renea Akin, Melissa Allcock, Janett Blythe, Karen Brown, Mellisa Duncan, Reid Draper, Kyle Fisher, Roberta Jackson, Shay Nolan, Dr. Anton Reece, Dr. Kate Senn, Tammy Thompson, and Geelyn Warren.

Others in attendance: Dr. Renea Akin, Janett Blythe, Bridget Canter, Octavia Lawrence, Shay Nolan, Kevin O’Neill, Dr. Anton Reece, Geelyn Warren, President’s Cabinet; Melissa Allcock, Karen Brown, Mellisa Duncan, Kyle Fisher, Roberta Jackson, and Tammy Thompson staff.


Mr. Gorman Bradley moved, and Mr. Kenneth Hurt seconded the motion to approve the October 10, 2023, minutes. Motion passed.


Chair Simmons noted we are in challenging times and encouraged both Boards to reach out to legislators for their support of the college so the great work can continue.


Dr. Reece reported recent accomplishments at WKCTC.

  • Selected to apply for the 2025 Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence for the seventh time
  • Received roughly $250,000 grant for the cosmetology program

Dr. Reece recognized Marketing Director Janett Blythe on her upcoming December retirement, noting she has served at the college for three-plus decades. Janett responded she could leave the college feeling great about the accomplishments over the last twenty years. Janett invited the Boards to the annual Holiday Luncheon on December 8 at noon in the Haws Gymnasium. Janett called on Tammy Thompson, who announced that fall graduation would be on Monday, December 11, 2023, at The Carson Center at 7:00 p.m. She noted that the keynote speaker for graduation will be Justice Shea Nickell, and the student speaker will be Andrew Cornelius. She invited both Boards to attend and to let her know if they needed regalia to wear to the ceremony.

Dr. Reece noted that a search for the Director of Marketing is underway and that the Vice President of Advancement would begin in January.

Dr. Reece recognized WKCTC Student Representative Lindsey Gipson for being selected to Study Abroad in Portugal.

Dr. Reece concluded his report by thanking Kitchen’s Café for the boxes of candy provided to the attendees. He also recognized and thanked the support staff at today’s luncheon meeting.


Mr. Simmons called for a motion to adjourn. A motion was made by Mr. Barry McDonald and seconded by Ms. Erika Mehta to adjourn the WKCTC Board meeting, motion passed. At 1:19 p.m., Chair Simmons turned the meeting over to PJC Chair Chris Black, who conducted the PJC Board of Trustees meeting.

Gorman Bradley, Secretary