Frequently Asked Questions
August 1, 2015.
WKCTC began its tobacco-free plans in fall 2014 with the development of a committee that consisted of faculty, staff and students that conducted extensive research over the past year to create a comprehensive tobacco-free proposal for the campus. The policy and procedures were passed during the October 2014 faculty and staff meetings.
Since that time, the Tobacco-free Committee has worked with local businesses and college
faculty to create a series of cessation classes for spring 2015. The classes were
designed to promote the health and well-being of its students, faculty and staff and
community members.
Messages about the classes have been placed in the college's daily announcements and
campus electronic televisions. WKCTC has prominently display tobacco-free notices
at all college locations.
Consumption of any tobacco, e-tobacco product, or any vaporizing technology is not allowed on any college property or in any college facility.
The policy applies to every person who comes to the WKCTC campus, including visitors, faculty, staff, volunteers, students, and service representatives.
Yes. Currently, there are more than 900 regional colleges and universities that are 100% tobacco-free. Campuses in Kentucky that are tobacco-free include, Bellarmine University, Morehead University, Northern Kentucky University, University of Kentucky, University of Louisville and the many of the community colleges in the Kentucky Community and Technical College System.
WKCTC's decision to go tobacco-free falls in line with an governor's executive order that encourages all state and local government facilities, public and private school districts, universities, and businesses to consider limiting use of tobacco products on their properties.Gov. Steve Beshear's order, issued September 4, 2014, states that all state buildings, grounds and fleet in Kentucky will become free of all tobacco products and e-cigarettes as of November 20. A primary goal the Ky health now initiative is to reduce smoking rates by 10 percent by 2019. The policy impacts 2,888 state-owned buildings making more than 26.4 million square feet newly tobacco-free.
The following are suggesting scripted messages others are encouraged to say when they see someone violating the policy:
Example Script #1: Situation: You see a person using tobacco products on WKCTC property. Response: "Hello, my name is _______, and I am an (employee, student) here at WKCTC. I want to make you aware that we are now a Tobacco-Free campus meaning that tobacco products are prohibited on our grounds. We would appreciate if you would not use tobacco products while visiting our campus. Thank you for your cooperation."
Example Script #2: Question: "Where am I allowed to smoke?" Response: "Smoking and other tobacco products are not allowed anywhere on the campus. This is a new policy, put in place on August 1, meant to promote better health in our students and employees. If you need to smoke or use tobacco products you can do so in your car or you may also choose to leave the campus."
Example Script #3: For Vendors and Visitors: "I'd like to let you know in advance that WKCTC is going to be a Tobacco-Free environment as of August 1. Use of tobacco products will not be permitted on any property, grounds. But if you need to smoke or use tobacco products you can do so in your car or you may also choose to leave the campus."
Example Script #4: For registration, pre-admission, and office staff who are speaking to students and families prior to a campus visit: "I'd like to let you know in advance that WKCTC is a Tobacco-Free campus. Use of tobacco products is not permitted on any property, grounds. But if you need to smoke or use tobacco products you can do so in your car or you may also choose to leave the campus."