Satisfactory Academic Progress
Your academic progress will be monitored throughout the semester AND your progression through the program. Failure to maintain the below standards could jeopardize your future eligibility or cause you to owe funds back to the school. Please read the following information carefully.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) only applies to students with previous college work.
After two semesters below the following standard, you will not be eligible for financial aid including grants, loans, and scholarships.
- You must pass 67% of credit hours attempted
- You must have a 2.0 cumulative GPA
After one semester below the following standard, you will not be eligible for financial aid including grants, loans, and scholarships
- You must not have attempted over 150% of the hours required for your program (Maximum Timeframe)
If you have failed to meet SAP, you have the right to submit an appeal. You may submit an appeal online in your Student Self-service account by clicking on SAP Appeal Request.
Return to Title IV
- If you fail to complete ANY courses in a scheduled enrollment period within the semester (earning grades of E, F, and/or W) you may owe a portion of your financial aid back to the school. The school returns this money to the Department of Education. This amount is calculated based on how long you attended class OR how many clock hours you earned (if applicable).
- This will then leave a balance owed to the college where we repaid the Department of Education.
- Please contact the financial aid office if you are concerned you may not complete the semester.