Distinguished Faculty Rubric | WKCTC

Holiday Closing

WKCTC will be closed on Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Campus will reopen and classes will resume on Tuesday, January 21. Have a safe holiday weekend.

Distinguished Faculty Rubric

A WKCTC Awards Team will review the faculty applications after Friday, January 24, 2025. Winners will be selected by the highest score from the rubric (shown below) created for this category based on review of the application information provided.

To see the complete rubric, be sure to scroll to the right and down.

Regional Educators Awards Program and Scholarship Rubric - Faculty
Trait 5 Points 3 Points 1 Point 0 Points

Application provides
multiple specific examples of special achievements, awards/other recognition, community leadership and involvement
or significant contributions
that demonstrate

Application provides a
single example of special
achievement or significant
contribution that
demonstrates significant

Evidence of special
achievement or  significant
contribution, but application is lacking

Application does not
address or lacks the
Educational Growth
Outstanding philosophy on professional growth and the activities demonstrate an ongoing commitment both locally and at the sate and national level. Adequate philosophy on professional growth and demonstrates periodic professional activities and/or through graduate coursework. Sufficient philosophy growth and the activities demonstrate occasional local involvement. No written philosophy on professional growth and the activities demonstrate minimal involvement.
Improvement Project
Personally created and implemented one or more district or campus wide improvement projects or programs. Held a leadership role in a campus-wide improvement project or program. Participated in a campus-wide improvement program. Application indicates a campus wide program but does not reflect the applicant’s role.
Major Educational Issue
Kentucky issue identified and defined.  Vision clearly stated and contains explanation of action steps personally taken for positive change. Issue identified and defined but not specifically a state wide issue.  Vision is addressed and recommends the needed action steps. Issue identified but not well defined and is not specifically a state wide issue.  Vision is partially addressed and recommends one or two potential action steps. Identifies an issue but does not have a clear vision. No actions taken or recommended.