Career Pathways | WKCTC

About Career Pathways

Our Career Pathways are designed to simplify choices for you. Programs are grouped together to help you choose what interests you and guide you through your college experience and into your career. You can enter your career directly after graduation or transfer to a university for more study in your chosen field. We offer advising to help you choose a path, stay on the path, learn what you need to know, and graduate. We will help you get the most out of your educational journey at WKCTC.

Explore Transfer Pathways

If you are interested in continuing your education after WKCTC, help is here. WKCTC Transfer Services will lead you to people and resources to help in your transfer process. By exploring the Transfer Guides, you will find more specifics about programs, colleges, and universities to which you may be interested in transferring.

Explore Workforce

If you want to work in your field before graduating, explore our Apprenticeship Opportunities. The Continuing Education area will lead you to opportunities for Continuing Education Credits, help with preparing for licensure exams, and recertification help.