Public Safety, First Responders, and Services | WKCTC

Public Safety, First Responders, and Services

Programs that lead to careers that serve the community. Explore what WKCTC has to offer to start a career that helps others.


Suggested First-Semester Schedule

The courses below are a recommendation. You will work with an academic advisor to develop an individualized course schedule based on your unique interest, career goals, and developmental/co-requisite needs.

Recommended Course Credit Hours Requirement Fulfilled
ENG 101 – Writing I 3 Written Communication
Technical Course(s) – in area of interest 3-6 Technical Area
Quantitative Reasoning (Math) 3 Quantitative Reasoning
Humanities Course 3 Heritage/Humanities
PSY 110 General Psychology 3 Social and Behavioral Sciences

Please view the KCTCS Catalog for descriptions and information about courses.