Enrollment Checklist
Whether you’re a high school student, a returning student or just looking to take a class on the side, following these steps will make your admissions experience easy!
Enrollment Steps
To get started you'll need:
- An email address that we can use to contact you.
- High school name, city and state you have attended.
- Name, city and state of all colleges you have attended.
Once you have submitted your application, please write down your Student ID. You will need this to activate your student account. If you do not receive a Student ID, please contact the Records Office by calling (270) 534-3438 or email wkctcrecords@kctcs.edu.
- View the step-by-step MyPath activation instructions.
- Please note that you will NOT have access to your student e-mail until 24-48 hours after enrolling into your classes.
- Download the KCTCS App, sign in and select West Kentucky Community and Technical College as your campus to keep up to date with campus news and connect with peers!
Once you have activated your MyPath account, please follow the steps below to view and complete your tasks:
- Log into your MyPath account.
- Select the Student Self-Service tile.
- Select Tasks
- Complete all agreements/release/tasks listed.
- Questions? Contact the Admissions Office by calling (270) 534-3435 or email wkctcenrollment@kctcs.edu.
How to order test scores:
- If available, request ACT scores or SAT scores
- AP scores can be mailed directly to WKCTC Records, PO Box 7380, Paducah, KY 42002. (School Code: 1620)
How to order your transcripts:
- First Time Students:
- Request official final high school transcript by contacting your High School or Board of Education. Acceptable delivery methods: Mail, In-Person, E-Mail, Electronic Delivery (ex. Parchment or ScribSafe).
- Transcripts must be final (include a graduation date and final unweighted GPA) in order to be considered official.
- If you earned a GED, you may be able to use the search tool to request your GED transcript.
- If you have completed Dual Credit coursework with another college, you must submit an official final transcript from that college. Acceptable delivery methods: Secure Electronic Delivery (ex. Clearinghouse, e-Scrip, Evaluation Agency), mail directly to WKCTC, and student delivered transcripts must be in a sealed official envelope, with a print date of less than 6 months.
- Returning or Transfer Students:
- Request all prior official post-secondary transcripts be sent directly to WKCTC.
- Acceptable delivery methods: mail directly to WKCTC, Secure Electronic Delivery (ex. Clearinghouse, e-Scrip, Evaluation Agency), and student delivered transcripts must be in a sealed official envelope, with a print date of less than 6 months.
- We cannot accept any faxed, unsecure e-mailed or opened hand delivered college transcripts.
- Visiting Students:
- Submit your most recent in-progress unofficial college transcript from your home institution.
- Acceptable delivery methods: Email, Mail and student delivered.
Documentation Submission:
- Email: WKCTCrecords@kctcs.edu
- Address: PO Box 7380, Paducah, KY 42002
- Building: Anderson Technical Building - Records Office
- Preferred Secure: Electronic Transmissions: National Student Clearinghouse and Parchment
New Students:
- Contact the Advising Center by calling (270) 534-3349 or email wkctcsadvising@kctcs.edu to schedule your appointment!
Returning/Transfer Students:
- Contact the Advising Center by calling (270) 534-3349 or email wkctcsadvising@kctcs.edu to schedule your appointment!
Current Students:
- Contact your assigned advisor to schedule your appointment. Current students can view your advisor contact information in your Student Self-Service.
- Tuition is due 2 weeks prior to the first day of classes for each semester. Each student is responsible for contacting WKCTC Business Office with payment information prior to deadline to keep schedule from being canceled.
- View your payment options.
First time students are required to attend a New Student Orientation as a graduation requirement. Registration will be opening soon.
- You may purchase books and supplies at the Bookstore online or in Anderson Technical Building up to 6 weeks before classes begin.
- Need to charge against your excess financial aid? You may charge books starting 10 days before the semester begins through 10 days after the semester has started. Be sure to complete your bookstore release under Tasks in your student self-service by logging into MyPath.
- Purchase your parking pass with the Business Office.
Contact Us:
Admissions Office
(270) 534-3435
Anderson Technical Building - Front Desk
Records Office
(270) 534-3438
Anderson Technical Building - Room 112
Advising Center
(270) 534-3349
Anderson Technical Building - Room 106
Business Office
(270) 534-3164
Anderson Technical Building - Room 127
Financial Aid Office
(270) 534-3467
Anderson Technical Building - Room 107