March 2022
West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Board of Directors
March 1, 2022 2:00-4:00 p.m. ETC 216
The meeting was called to order by Chair Murphy, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Board members present were Gorman Bradley, Heather Coltharp, Summer Holland, Kenneth Hurt, Barry McDonald, Erika Mehta, Chuck Murphy, and Jay Simmons. Others in attendance were Dr. Anton Reece, Dr. Renea Akin, Janett Blythe, Bridget Canter, Lee Emmons, Octavia Lawrence, Shay Nolan, Kevin O'Neill, Dr. Kate Senn, Randall Barnes; WPSD reporter and Melissa Allcock, assistant secretary.
Approval of the Minutes
A motion was made by Mr. Gorman Bradley and seconded by Mr. Jay Simmons to approve the minutes of the November 18, 2021 meeting. No discussion and the motion passed.
Vacant Board Member Update
Chair Murphy reported that as of yesterday, there are no new updates from the Governor's Office for Board of Commissions on the selection of a replacement for former Board member Chris Roty.
Chair Murphy reminded the Board that while attendance at all meetings is important, May 10, 2022 meeting covers three of the Board's primary duties.
- Approve the 2023 budget
- Approve the WKCTC Strategic Plan
- Evaluate and advise the KCTCS President of Dr. Reese's annual performance
Mr. Murphy stated that the Board would be hearing more about the budget and strategic plan later in the meeting. He also directed them to a handout of the evaluation document they would be receiving to review Dr. Reece's performance for the past year. Finally, he encouraged the Board to return their evaluation of Dr. Reece as soon as possible for compilation purposes.
Dr. Anton Reece announced that the Covid-19 mask restriction would be shifted to mask optional on March 2, 2022.
WKCTC DEI Guarantee - Seven Sectors Framework Updates
Ms. Lee Emmons shared highlights of some of the initiatives underway in the first year of the Scott NPT grant.
- Student Success Center is operational
- Workforce initiatives with various Chambers of Commerce and entities with outreach to minority business owners
- Awarded Community Connection scholarships with area non-profit agencies
- Set up the structure of the Bridge Scholarship in partnership with Murray State University
- Addressed student non-academic needs (i.e., transportation, IT, personal, etc.)
Ms. Emmons noted the Scott NPT Oversight Committee asked each sector to develop metrics to measure what we are doing and making the most of the grant funds.
Dr. Reece added that Sector 1 would include K-12 and higher education.
2022-2026 Strategic Plan
Dr. Renea Akin outlined the draft 2022-2026 WKCTC Strategic Plan. The WKCTC Strategic Plan must align with the KCTCS Strategic Plan, which must align with the Council on Post Secondary Education(CPE) Strategic Plan.
The KCTCS Strategic Plan is underway and will be presented to the KCTCS Board of Regents in March.
As part of the WKCTC Strategic Plan process, the planning committee reviews the college's Mission, Vision, and Values statements and is currently in draft formation. (Appendix A)
The WKCTC Strategic Plan is in draft version and will have three goals with outcomes in each area.
Goal area 1: Organizational success
- Outcomes
- Attract, develop, support, and retain talented faculty and staff
- Ensure a sustainable funding base
- Improve and expand academic facilities, technology, and programs to maintain relevancy
Goal area 2: Student success
- Outcomes
- Recruit and retain a diverse student population
- Maximize attainment of students' educational goals
Goal area 3: Program alignment with area needs
- Outcomes
- Develop clear educational pathways that lead to successful transfer and/or employment outcomes
- Meet workforce training needs through customized training and continuing education
WKCTC's Strategic Plan will be finalized in April and presented to the WKCTC Board of Directors at the May 10 meeting. If approved, it will then go before the KCTCS Board of Regents for approval at its June 2022 meeting.
Legislative Updates
Dr. Reece reported that higher education looks in better shape than it has in the past several years with the currently proposed state budget appropriations.
Ms. Bridget Canter gave a wrap-up of the FY2021 budget stating an overall revenue surplus of $6.6 million due to *Covid-19 relief Federal funds. Covid-19 relief funding went directly to students and student aid, such as a food pantry, mental health, and debt forgiveness. In addition, employees were outfitted to work remotely, re-did classrooms for faculty to have synchronous and asynchronous instruction, and updated our facilities. The one-time relief money also allowed us to recover lost revenue (tuition dollars and program sales), leaving us an $11.3 million surplus. Currently, $4 million of the $11.3 million has been added to the FY22 budget if we need it.
Looking at the current FY22 budget, as the pandemic continues, the budgeted tuition revenue and other revenue sources continue to decline, leaving the total budgeted revenue shortfall to date at $2,528,418. We are addressing the shortfall by looking at salary savings, reduction in operating expenses, the American Rescue Plan funding, and our operating fund balance. (*Appendix B)
Ms. Canter reviewed an outlook for the FY2023 budget. The House budget proposal lists state appropriations through the performance funding model. The Governor's proposed budget noted a base state appropriation of nearly 12% over the biennium for Postsecondary Education, and the Senate budget proposal is unknown. Additional impacts to the FY23 budget include a proposed tuition rate of $3 per credit hour, a proposed dual credit tuition rate increase to 50% of the KCTCS rate, KCTCS compensation, and classification plan (depending on the plan would have a recurring impact of $600,000 - $1 million for WKCTC). The Fiscal Year 2023 budget development will begin in April and be presented to the Board at the May meeting.
Enrollment and Student Support
Ms. Octavia Lawrence gave an overview of spring 2022 enrollment. The spring enrollment trends for 2022 currently show a 19.4% decrease in first-time credential-seeking students, a 4.8% decrease in total credential-seeking students, and a 1.3% decrease in total headcount over spring 2021 final enrollment. Our census date is April 1, and the credential-seeking headcount will not likely increase. However, an increase is expected with non-credential seeking headcount with workforce students. Enrollment begins today with a March Madness kick-off for fall registration.
Ms. Lawrence commended the faculty and staff for the outpouring of support for the eighty students who reached out they were impacted by the December 10, 2021, tornado. We provided immediate support with gift cards and paying utility bills. Ongoing support includes partnering with area churches that reached out wanting to assist our students with laptops and gift cards.
Ms. Lawrence also reported on the Student Emergency Fund. Faculty and staff refer students in need, and the fund assists with program fees, utility bills, gas cards, and bus passes, depending on the student's need.
Mr. Murphy asked what the student enrollment was before the beginning of the pandemic. Dr. Renea Akin accessed the information and reported enrollment of 6500 in fall 2019, 4970 in fall 2020, and 4925 in fall 2021. Total headcount numbers include dual credit and workforce.
Campus Operations Update
Mr. Shay Nolan reported that IT Director Ms. Ruby Rodgers would be retiring in June 2022, and the search is underway for a replacement for this position.
Mr. Nolan and Ms. Janett Blythe, Director of Marketing and Communication, discussed the inclement weather and crisis communications procedures and messaging for the safety and security of faculty, staff, and students of WKCTC. The policies are currently under revision.
Mr. Nolan reported that transportation between campuses had been an ongoing concern, and because of funds from the Aspen prize award, a shuttle bus has been purchased.
Mr. Nolan also reported on the building ionization system installed over the 2021 holiday break. The system products purify indoor air by eliminating airborne particulates, odors, and pathogens. The system was installed in all buildings and purchased through the Covid-19 federal relief funding.
Regional Educators Awards
- Ms. Lee Emmons announced the fifth annual Regional Educators Awards. More than eighty nominees completed the application process. The event is on Thursday, April 21, beginning with a 4:30 reception in the Student Center and Quad area, followed by the program in the Clemens Fine Arts Center. Mr. George Wilson, a former NFL player, and Paducah Tilghman graduate, will be the keynote speaker for the program.
Aspen Celebration
- Ms. Janett Blythe announced the Aspen Celebration Event to celebrate WKCTC being named one of the top community colleges in the nation five times. The event will be from noon-2:00 on Monday, April 12, in the Clemens Fine Arts Center.
- Ms. Janett Blythe announced the spring graduation ceremonies would be in person at the Carson Center on Saturday, May 7. The first ceremony will be at 10:30 and the second ceremony at 1:00. Reserved parking area will be available for the Board of Directors.
Aviation Program
- Mr. Kevin O'Neill shared information regarding an aviation program at WKCTC. Conversations started around the need for aircraft mechanics in our area. Funding of $1 million is in the proposed state budget for the program. The proposed state budget is currently at the Senate for review.
A motion was made by Mr. Barry McDonald and seconded by Mr. Gorman Bradley to adjourn the meeting. Chair Murphy adjourned the meeting at 3:10 p.m.
Melissa Allcock, Assistant Secretary