Strategic Plan 2022-2026 | WKCTC

College at a Glance

Strategic Plan 2022-2026

Dr. Anton R. Reece, President, WKCCTNestled at the confluence of the Ohio and Tennessee River, West Kentucky Community and Technical College (WKCTC) is the product of the consolidation of two longtime and respected institutions, Paducah Community College and West Kentucky Technical College. WKCTC is a two-year public, comprehensive college and an integral part of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS). WKCTC serves more than 8,500 students annually and offers more than 200 credentials.

During the life cycle of this strategic plan, West Kentucky will build on past successes such as earning national recognition as a top 20 granter of academic credentials, the partnership with the University of Kentucky College of Engineering, completion of Paducah School of Art and Design and establishment of the Community Scholarship Program.

Since its inception in 2011, The Aspen Institute has five times ranked WKCTC as one of the ten finalists for the Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, the nation’s signature recognition of high achievement and performance in America’s community colleges. In 2021, 2015, and 2011 the college was recognized by the Aspen Institute as a Finalist with Distinction. WKCTC has also been recognized four times as a Bellwether Finalist by the Community College Futures Assembly, and in 2019 was recognized by as the #1 community college in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. WKCTC also plays a significant role in the local economy and is a sound investment for students and the community. According to a 2019 economic impact study completed by Economic Modeling Specialists, Inc. (EMSI), students receive a return on investment of $6.40 in increased lifetime earnings for every $1 invested with the College, while the community receives a return on investment of $11.30 in added state revenue and societal savings. In December 2020, WKCTC received a $15 million gift from author and philanthropist MacKenzie Scott in recognition of the college’s work on diversity, equity, and inclusion as well as initiatives to further increase opportunities for low-income and disenfranchised students.

Consistently achieving such high levels of national recognition and regional impacts speaks to the college’s commitment to providing high quality educational experiences, meeting the educational needs of the community, serving as a full partner in business and workforce development, and contributing to the overall economic and social well-being of the region. The WKCTC Strategic Plan 2022-2026 will guide the college over the next four years to continue building on these past successes, reinforcing these commitments, and continuing to distinguish WKCTC as one the premier colleges in the nation.

Invest in infrastructure (personnel, facilities, technology, and programs) to provide students as well as educational and community partners with nationally recognized educational experiences.

Related outcomes:

1A: Foster a culture that attracts, develops, supports, and retains talented faculty and staff that advances organizational success.

1B: Ensure a sustainable funding base.

1C: Improve and expand academic facilities, technology, and programs to maintain relevancy in an ever-changing environment.

Provide all students access to equitable, high-quality learning experiences and holistic supports to achieve learner success.

Related outcomes:

2A: Enhance a “Recruit-to-Retain” Culture.

2B: Maximize attainment of students’ educational goals.

Align academic programs and workforce offerings to meet area needs with clear pathways, enhanced transfer opportunities, and tailored trainings for a strengthened workforce.

Related outcomes

3A: Promote clear educational and career pathways that lead to successful transfer and/or employment outcomes.

3B: Meet regional Workforce training needs through customized training and continuing education.