Abbreviation Guide | WKCTC

Weather Alert • February 18 – 21

Due to projected inclement weather, WKCTC will transition to remote operations starting Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 3 PM, through Friday, February 21, 2025.

Faculty and staff will be working remotely, and students are expected to engage in remote learning as outlined in their syllabi.

All WKCTC campus locations will be closed.

Abbreviation Guide


M=Monday; TU=Tuesday; W=Wednesday; TH=Thursday; F=Friday; S=Saturday; N or U=Sunday
Other Common Class Days:
M/TU=Monday and Tuesday; M/W=Monday and Wednesday; M/F=Monday and Friday;
MTUF=Monday, Tuesday, and Friday; MWTH=Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday; MWF=Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; M-TH=Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday; M-F=Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
T/TH=Tuesday and Thursday; TWTH=Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday; TTHF=Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday; TWTF=Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday;
W/TH=Wednesday and Thursday; WTHF=Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday


AHB Allied Health Building
ATB Anderson Technical Building
CLC Crisp Building/Challenger Learning Center
CRO Crounse Hall
CSM Ceramics/Small Metals, Paducah School of Art & Design, 919 Madison Street in Paducah
ETC Emerging Technology Center
GYM Haws Gymnasium
MLC Matheson Hall/Learning Resource Center
PSA Paducah School of Art & Design, 905 Harrison Street inPaducah
PTC Purchase Training Center, 234 Pioneer Industrial Drive in Mayfield
ROS Rosenthal Hall
SCA Clemens Student Center / Fine Arts
SCTC Skilled Craft Training Center, 70 Hickory Road in Hickory
SCU Sculpture, Paducah School of Art & Design, 919 Madison Street in Paducah
WAL Waller Hall

 Departmental Course Prefixes

ACC Accounting
ACR Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
ACT Accounting
ADX Automotive Technology
AHS Allied Health
ANT Anthropology
AST Astronomy
AUT Automotive Technology
BAS Business Administration
BIO Biological Sciences
BRX Blueprint Reading
CAD Computer-Aided Design
CAR Construction/Carpentry
CHE Chemistry
CIT Computer Information Technology
CMM Computerized Manufacturing and Machining
COE Cooperative Education
COM Communications
COS Cosmetology
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
CRJ Criminal Justice
CRT Collision Repair Technician
CUL Culinary Arts
DAH Dental Hygiene
DAS Dental Assisting
DIT Diesel Technology
DLC Digital Literacy
DMI Radiologic Technology
DMS Diagnostic Medical Sonography
ECO Economics
EDM Education
EDP Educational and Counseling Psychology
EDU Education
EET Electronics Technology
EGY Energy Technologies
ELT Engineering and Electronics Technology
EM Engineering Mechanics
ENG English
FAM Family Studies
FIR Fire Science Technology
FPX Fluid Power
FRE French Language and Literature
FYE Achieving Academic Success (First Year Experience)
GEN General College Studies
GEO Geography
GLY Geological Sciences
HEO Heavy Equipment Operation
HIS History
HSM Homeland Security-Emergency Management
HUM Humanities
IEC Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education
IET Integrated Engineering Technology
IMG Radiography
IMT Industrial Maintenance Technology
IRW Integrated Reading and Writing
ISX Industrial Safety
KHP Kinesiology and Health Promotion
KMA Kentucky Medication Aide
LOM Logistics and Operations Management
MAT Mathematics
ME Mechanical Engineering
MIT Medical Information Technology
MLT Medical Laboratory Technology
MNA Medicaide Nurse Aid
MRN Marine Technology
MUS Music
NAA Nursing Assistant
NFS Nutrition and Food Science
NPN Practical Nursing
NSG Nursing
OST Office Systems Technology
PHA Pharmacy
PHB Phlebotomy
PHI Philosophy
PHY Physics
POL Political Science
PSY Psychology
PTA Physical Therapist Assistant
RDG Reading
REA Real Estate
REL Religious Studies
SOC Sociology
SPA Spanish Language and Literature
STA Statistics
SUR Surgical Technology
SWK Social Work
THA Theatre
VCA Visual Communications - Art and Design
VCC Visual Communications - Core
VCM Visual Communications - Multimedia
WGS Womens Studies
WLD Welding