KYFAME Program
Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) is an internship program that gives a student the opportunity to take the technical knowledge acquired in the classroom and immediately put it to work on the shop floor of a regional manufacturing facility. The AMT program is an Associate in Applied Science degree track under the Industrial Maintenance Technology program. KYFAME is a partnership of regional manufacturers whose purpose is to implement apprentice-style training to create a pipeline of highly-skilled workers. The concept offers a five-semester college degree program that matches higher education with continuous real-world experience. Students attend classes two days a week, then apply the concepts they have learned in a real-world manufacturing plan the other three days of the week. The program courses are multi-disciplined with classes in electricity, hydraulics, mechanical drive systems, machining, and automation to apply troubleshooting and problem solving skills. Students will also learn professional workplace skills in Lean manufacturing and Safety.
Kentucky Federation of Advanced Manufacturing Education
Who should apply?
While the program is ideal for recent high school graduates, current manufacturing employees, and military veterans, it is open to anyone who meets the eligibility requirements listed below and wants to pursue high-paying, diverse career options in advanced manufacturing. As a program participant, you will earn a competitive salary while you attend college and potentially graduate debt free! You will attend class full time two days a week and work at your sponsoring manufacturer three days each week. This unique model gives you the chance to apply what you learn in class almost immediately on the manufacturing floor.
KY FAME offers more than college classes. Your coursework will include not only essential hands-on technical training but also instruction in lean manufacturing principles and critical workplace behaviors. You'll graduate with 18 months of work experience, extensive knowledge in electricity, fluid power, mechanics, fabrication and robotics, as well as the personal skills that help you become a stand out employee.
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be at least 18 years of age on program start date
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must demonstrate proficiency in math with a A.C.T. score of 19 or higher
- Must demonstrate proficiency in effective written communication skills
- Must be interviewed and selected for employment by a sponsor company
- Must comply and remain compliant with sponsoring company's policy on substance abuse
Candidates seeking admission into the program must complete the Advanced Manufacturing Technology online application and submit the required documentation to the address provided below. Candidates must also complete the West Kentucky Community and Technical College admissions application.
Applicants that do not meet the eligibility requirements or do not provide the required documentation will be not considered for sponsorship by the manufacturers review and selection process.
Contact Information
Jonathan Baker, Instructor
70 Hickory Road Hickory, KY 42051
Emerging Technology Center, Room 251
jonathan.baker@kctcs.edu (270) 856-2408
Current and Former Sponsors
Briggs and Stratton, Kayser Automotive, Vanderbilt Chemicals, Progress Rail, Centrifugal
Technologies, and iwis.