Digital Literacy
Before completing an AA, AS, AFA, AAS or any diploma with KCTCS, students must demonstrate digital literacy by one of the following means:
- Receiving credit for an approved digital literacy course (see KCTCS Catalog). See the Approved KCTCS Digital Literacy Courses.
- Completing an approved program that has been given digital literacy status (see KCTCS Catalog). See the Approved KCTCS Programs with Digital Literacy Status.
- Achieving IC3 Certification by passing all three Global Standard 6 certification exams.
Procedure for taking the exams
- Purchase the IC3 GS6 Digital Literacy Exam bundle vouchers (current cost $125). You will also find practice exams and other resources at this site.
- Make an appointment to take the exams in the WKCTC Testing Center by contacting the Workforce Solutions Testing Center at (270) 534-3335. Take your vouchers to your appointment in the Testing Center located on the first floor of the Emerging Technologies Center building, Room 133.
- Pass all three Global Standard 6 certification exams to qualify for digital literacy status. Passing scores will be submitted to the WKCTC Registrar’s office. KCTCS transcripts will reflect a checkmark for digital literacy. No college credit will be earned for successful completion of the exams.