Portfolio Format | WKCTC

Weather Alert • February 18 – 21

Due to projected inclement weather, WKCTC will transition to remote operations starting Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 3 PM, through Friday, February 21, 2025.

Faculty and staff will be working remotely, and students are expected to engage in remote learning as outlined in their syllabi.

All WKCTC campus locations will be closed.

Portfolio Format

The preparation of a portfolio is an exercise in self-evaluation, introspection, and synthesis. It can be an educational experience in itself. It requires you to relate your past learning experiences to your educational goals, to exhibit critical self-analysis, and to demonstrate your ability to organize documentation in a clear, concise manner. Remember, the KCTCS acknowledges credit for prior learning, not for prior experience. As you begin to assemble and write your portfolio, periodically check to make certain you have described learning in addition to experience. In this respect, your portfolio will differ from a resume, which describes what you did rather than what you learned.

Although your portfolio will represent learning that is unique to your experience, there is a prescribed format to be followed. It is important that you keep to this format while developing a carefully organized and well-written document. Those who will evaluate your portfolio must be able to follow it logically and identify substantiating evidence (documentation) easily.

*Adapted from A Student Guide for Applying for Credit for Prior Learning, Sinclair Community College.

The completed portfolio consists of four basic components:

  • Application and Authenticity Statement
  • Chronological Record of the relevant experience to the course credit being applied for, usually a sentence for each year.
  • Narrative Description of Competencies (skills) pages that present statements of experience and learning outcomes as related to course objectives. A course syllabus is at the front of this section.
  • Documentation of the learning experience substantiating each competency area described. A one page summary list precedes the actual pages of documentation