Looking for a job?
Are you a current WKCTC Student or Alum? Sign up or log into Handshake to access online
job postings!
Handshake is the nation’s #1 college-to-career network and student-centered jobs board in the country.
Find out more about KCTCS partnership with Handshake or start exploring opportunities through Handshake.
Other Resources
On-campus Work Study student employment – Must be receiving a Pell grant. Check with the financial aid office for eligibility.
Ready-To-Work Program. If receiving K-tap, contact the Ready-To-Work Coordinator.
Networking Techniques
Create/Update a LinkedIn Profile. Connect with individuals (alumni, friends, acquaintances) at companies of interest or with those who do what you want to do. View the latest job search and LinkedIn product tips by subscribing to the LinkedIn Blog.
Talk to everyone you know about possible opportunities & connect with at least 2 individuals each week for networking.