Undecided and need help exploring careers?
- 16 Personalities : Only 10 minutes to get a “freakishly accurate” description of who you are and why you do things the way you do.
- Career One Stop Interest Assessment: Learn about careers that might be best for you.
- Career One Stop Value Matcher: learn about work values and identify the ones most important to you!
- O*net Interest Profiler: O*net Interest Profiler can help you find out what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work.
- Free Personality Test: Discover careers and occupations most suitable for your personality type and understand communication and learning styles of your type. Additional information.
- My Skills My Future: help finding careers with similar skills.
- My Next Move for Veterans: helps find civilian careers similar to military jobs.
- Visit WKCTC’s Program Finder: See what options we have in store for you!
- Review KCTCS Transfer Plans: See already developed curriculum guides/ transfer roadmaps for students pursuing a 4 year ( +) degree! See how our courses can support your goal!
- Occupational Outlook Handbook: Essential information about hundreds of occupations. U.S. Dept. of Labor.
- O*NET: Find concise occupational information on over 950 jobs. Research careers and employment projections; identify your skills and generate lists of possible occupations. U.S. Dept. of Labor.
- Learn How to Become: Find out what it takes to work in professions.
- KY Stats Career Explorer: This tool was built using publicly available data from the Kentucky Center for Statistics, O*net Online, and the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.
- KY Students' Right to Know: Dashboard powered by Kentucky Center for Statistics to help students make informed decisions.
- Kentucky Future Skills: 5 year projected demand by local workforce area.
- KY Career Center: Research a specific program of study, career, or employer.
- In Demand Careers: videos focusing on KY's high-demand career sectors – manufacturing, construction, business & IT, logistics & transportation, and healthcare.
Step 1. Complete Interest Assessments and Inventories and research career recommendations (*see Career and Interest Assessments)
Step 2. Note the 2 or 3 careers that most interest you and why.
Step 3. Research the job outlook in the areas you plan to live - visit the US Bureau of Labor Statistics to find out if the careers you’re interested in are growing or declining.
Step 4. Review career ideas with your academic advisor -Discuss the academic majors and the educational requirements (certificate, diploma, degree) related to your career interests.
Step 5. Research job postings and descriptions - Even if you’re not currently looking for a job, you’ll better understand the local job market and you’ll learn the specific responsibilities of the career and be better prepared to develop a targeted resume. Set up email alerts on indeed. Check out employers' openings at your WKCTC Handshake Account!
Step 6. Get Exposure to the Profession! Observe by Job Shadowing / Informational Interviewing.
Step 7. Build your professional network.
Step 8. Each day ask yourself…. What am I doing today that will get me where I want to be tomorrow?
Volunteer with local agencies and local non-profit organizations. To view possible options, visit Volunteer Match.
Work part-time - Students and alumni can check out WKCTC Handshake for employers' job postings.
On-campus work study student employment – Must be receiving a Pell grant. Check with the financial aid office for eligibility. Application.
Ready-To-Work Program. If receiving K-tap, contact the Ready-To-Work Coordinator.