West Kentucky Community and Technical College Bookstore is affiliated with Barnes and Noble. WKCTC Bookstore is the place to go for all your college needs. You can purchase your textbooks in person on campus or on our online bookstore.
How do I charge books?
You may charge books against financial aid ten days before the start of your first
course if:
- Your financial aid is awarded
- Your financial aid award exceeds your charges
- You have completed a Financial Aid Release (FAR) on your Student Self-Service
- Your course starts with the regular semester start dates
What if my course starts outside the regular semester start date?
Manual bookstore vouchers may be available only outside of the automated charge period
(ten days before start of classes through nine days after) if the course start date
does not fall into the standard academic term and automated charge period. All financial
aid requirements must be met and students actual award must exceed charges. Students
that were eligible to charge during the automated charge period are not eligible for
a bookstore voucher.
Quick tips for when you visit the bookstore
- Try to bring in your class schedule when it's time to purchase books. We want you
to get the right book the first time.
- If you are using financial aid make sure you bring in a valid photo ID.