InterLibrary Loan Request
The purpose of this form is to borrow books and obtain journal articles that are not available in the WKCTC Matheson Library. Charges will be limited to those made by the lending library. Please check the Library Search Box on the library website's home page to look up the item you wish to request in the KCTCS library system. If the item is available at WKCTC Matheson Library, simply go there and check it out. If the item is not available at our library (a book or a journal article ONLY), AND the item is not available anywhere else in the KCTCS system, note the location and enter that in the fields below. NOTE: Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
NOTE: By providing the patron information requested below, you are authorizing us to use it to obtain the material requested. The address information provided will not be used in any other manner. The patron is responsible for associated fees, if any, for shipping the item. You will be notified via your KCTCS email when your item is available to pick up at Matheson Library.
If you have any questions, please contact the library at (270) 534-3197.