Scholarship Information | WKCTC

Scholarship Info

A college education is a major investment.  We are here to help you find funds and earn that degree.  West Kentucky Community and Technical College has a variety of scholarship opportunities.  We offer a little something for everyone!  

The 2025-26 Scholarship Application is now closed!

Please note: The 2024-2025 FAFSA is expected to open in late 2024. Please check for more details at


Some items to note before you begin your application:

  • Scholarship applications are only accepted online.
  • Once started, your scholarship application must be completed in one session.  If you need further assistance please contact Kyle Fisher.
  • You will be asked questions (optional but highly encouraged) about your received honors, awards, athletics/activity participation, employment, military service, your chosen field of study/program, income information and any special financial circumstances you may have.
  • You will need to complete both the WKCTC Admissions Application and the FAFSA as part of your scholarship file for the scholarship committee.
  • We will need your most recent or final high school transcript.  If you are currently in high school, we will work with your guidance counselors to get the transcript we need after mid term grades have posted for your senior year.
  • If you have college work, you will need to ask your other school to mail your official transcripts to: WKCTC Admissions, PO Box 7380, Paducah, KY 42002

Note: Merit Scholarship Criteria for current high school students requires a minimum of 2.75 high school GPA.

The WKCTC Scholarship Committee reviews each application to determine eligibility.  If you are not eligible for a scholarship, the scholarship coordinator will notify you via the email account provided on the scholarship application.  If you are eligible and funds are available, an offer will be mailed to you at the address provided on the scholarship application and a contract emailed to you.  Acceptance letters/contracts are sent out no later than the beginning of May.  Keep in mind that each contract has a specific deadline and must be completed online by the date listed on the letter.  Students that receive scholarship funds from WKCTC must file a FAFSA annually, maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, and meet the specific criteria for the awards they receive.

When is the deadline for WKCTC’s  scholarship application?
Deadline – March 1 at noon

What is the Merit Scholarship Criteria for current high school students?
Students must have a minimum of 21 ACT/1060 SAT score and 3.0 GPA.

Does the scholarship application apply per year or per semester?
The application process is open once per year (October 1 – March 1), and scholarships pay out 50% in the fall semester and 50% in the spring semester

When and how will I know if I received a scholarship?
Scholarships will be awarded in late March/Early April, and the selected applicants must accept their scholarship by the end of April.

If I am a dual credit student, will I have to complete multiple scholarship applications when I complete a new admissions application?
Only one scholarship application per year is required for all scholarship applications.

Where can I find a list of all the scholarships your school offers?
You can find a list of all available scholarships on our website.

Are there program specific scholarships that WKCTC offers?
Yes, there are some program specific scholarships, and they are listed on our website.  The good news is that you will also not need to complete another application for these scholarships.  (This does not apply to 3rd party or external scholarships)

Do I have to be admitted to WKCTC before receiving an academic scholarship offer?
No! The scholarship application process is open from early October to March 1, and we understand that scholarships can play a large part in the decision-making process when you are deciding where to attend.  So, we welcome students to apply for scholarships even before they have decided to attend WKCTC. However, students will need to provide an updated HS transcript and ACT/SAT score before the March 1st deadline

Can I use my academic scholarship during a summer term?
Scholarships are applied in equal amounts to the fall and spring semesters. They are not able to be applied to summer terms.

How do I apply for freshman competitive academic scholarships?
We have one simple online application that applies to all available scholarships for the academic year. If you are a current local high school student, we will work with your High School guidance counselor to get your official GPA and ACT/SAT scores.

It is after March 1st, can I still be considered for freshman competitive academic scholarships?
Unfortunately, scholarship applications cannot be considered if they are received after the March 1 deadline. If you are still needing financial assistance to offset the cost of attending we would encourage you to speak to a financial aid advisor as well as seek out 3rd party scholarships.

Are letters of recommendation required for academic scholarship consideration?
We do not require letters of recommendation for our academic scholarship process.

How do I accept my academic scholarship once I am awarded?
Once you are selected for an academic scholarship you will receive an offer packet with information on how to accept and the deadline date for acceptance.

I received an academic scholarship offer, but is this all of the funding I will receive from WKCTC?
Your academic scholarship offer packet will contain information about all of the scholarship funding you will receive. It will not contain any information regarding grants, loans, or other forms of financial aid.

My classmate received an academic scholarship offer from WKCTC, but they are planning to attend another university. May I use their scholarship or will it be re-awarded to another student?
Academic scholarships are not transferrable.

I have been offered a larger scholarship package from another institution. Can West Kentucky Community and Technical College match the funds I am promised by other schools?
Once a scholarship offer has been made that offer is final. Although another institution may offer a larger scholarship amount, it is important to remember to factor the entire cost of attendance and the percentage that your scholarship will cover. By offering affordable tuition rates and competitive scholarship amounts we believe that WKCTC is a great place to attend!

Why doesn't the tuition scholarship cover all of the fees related to my classes?
This will very much depend on the scholarship awarded. Some scholarships specify they are to be used for tuition only. Most scholarships are awarded for a specific dollar amount that can be applied to tuition and mandatory fees, and full-tuition merit scholarships can be applied to tuition and mandatory fees but may not cover all additional fees.

Why was my academic scholarship amount reduced?
Academic scholarships that are eligible for renewal are awarded in the same amount for the first and second year of attendance, as long as all renewal requirements are met. If you received a non-merit donor-defined scholarship it was awarded for one year only. You may have received a different scholarship (for a different amount) your second year.

What if I lost my scholarship eligibility, can I earn it back at a later date if my GPA improves or if I am full-time?
You are not able to earn back a scholarship after it is lost due to not meeting eligibility requirements. You are welcome to reapply for other scholarships during the next scholarship cycle for the following academic year.

Do I need to be enrolled full-time in order to receive my academic scholarship?
In most cases, yes, however there are certain scholarship that allow a student to be part time and still be awarded. By completing the online scholarship application, you will be considered for all academic scholarships, even those only requiring part-time enrollment.

What if I graduate early from WKCTC and do not use all eight (8) semesters of my academic scholarship?
Scholarships are only awarded per academic year, for a maximum of two semesters, although some scholarships are renewable for a second academic year. Scholarship amounts are only applied to student accounts after attendance is verified for each semester. If you are not attending WKCTC for a semester, academic scholarship awards will not be applied to a student’s account.

If I earn a degree from WKCTC and decide to return for another semester, do I still receive my scholarship?
If you receive a degree or certificate in the fall semester and return in the spring semester, as long as you maintain all scholarship requirements, you would be eligible to receive the spring portion of your awarded scholarship. Continuous enrollment is required with a maximum of four semesters covered by a scholarship.

How will my scholarship be impacted if I drop or add a class?
Every situation is different, but if dropping a class places you below the full-time threshold you may be at risk for losing certain scholarship funding.

Merit scholarships are available to current WKCTC students and incoming high school seniors.

High School Seniors

  • Merit Scholarships are available to high school seniors with outstanding academic records based on a combination of grade point average and ACT/SAT scores.
  • By completing the online general scholarship application you are automatically considered for all available scholarships, including Merit Scholarships.
  • An official transcript from your high school guidance counselor will be required.
  • Must enroll as a full-time student (12-15 hours) at WKCTC.

    Returning Students
  • Merit Scholarships are eligible for renewal for a second continuous year of study. Students must complete a minimum of 24 graded college hours by the completion of the spring semester and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or greater.
  • Must be enrolled as a full-time student


Scholarship Amounts

  • Presidential Scholarship - 100% Tuition and Fees
  • Commonwealth I Scholarship - $4000
  • Commonwealth II Scholarship - $3000
  • Trustee Scholarship - $2500
  • Grisham Scholarship - $1000
  • PJC Scholarship - $500

Readable text version of above chart available here!

A general scholarship is an award that is based upon stated criteria. Students should consider general scholarship award criteria when completing the scholarship application and providing information.

A need-based scholarship is an award that is based upon stated criteria as well as evidence of financial need. The WKCTC Scholarship Committee considers the FAFSA calculated EFC (expected family contribution) and provided applicant information as an indication of financial need. All students are encouraged to complete a FAFSA. Students who do not submit a FAFSA will not be considered for any scholarship where financial need is indicated.

Please see the Scholarship Opportunities Brochure for a complete listing of general and need-based scholarships. Scholarship amounts are determined by funding availability.

NOTE: Academic scholarships pay for WKCTC credits only.

The following is provided for informational purposes only. WKCTC does not accept applications for any funding sources listed in this area. Interested students should apply for funding directly to the source selected.

Search for additional scholarship opportunities to meet your educational needs.

Learn about additional scholarships for nursing students:



Student Questions Regarding
WKCTC General and Need Based Scholarships
WKCTC Admissions
PO Box 7380
Paducah, KY 42002
(270) 534-3435 

FAFSA, KEES, Loans, Work Ready

WKCTC Financial Aid
PO Box 7380
Paducah, KY 42002
(270) 534-3467  

Community Scholarship Program 
Dual Credit Waivers
WKCTC K-12 Partnerships
PO Box 7380
Paducah, KY 42002
(270) 534-3199  
3rd Party Scholarships (Employer, Church, etc.)
WKCTC Business Office
PO Box 7380
Paducah, KY 42002
(270) 534-3345  
Donor Questions, donations, including establishing or contributing to a scholarship fund:
Kyle Fisher, Manager of Advancement
WKCTC Advancement
PO Box 7380
Paducah, KY 42002
(270) 534-3086