Financial Aid Refunds
- Financial Aid refunds will be issued six weeks into the Fall/Spring terms.
- Summer refunds vary based on individual student's course start date.
KCTCS delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit this link for more information: https://bankmobiledisbursements.com/refundchoicessso/.
To view our third-party servicer contract for refund management, click here.
Tuition Refunds
West Kentucky Community and Technical College makes every effort to include relevant, timely, and accurate information in its publications. However, WKCTC reserves the right to make changes in its calendar, admissions policies, expenses, programs, curricula, course descriptions or any other matters addressed or not addressed in this publication. Prospective students and enrolled students should check with the college's Offices of Admissions, Registrar, and/or Business Affairs to learn of any such changes.
- A student must complete the online drop slip and officially withdraw by deadline date to be eligible for a refund. Refer to calendar for dates.
Time Frame for Tuition Refunds *
Session | 100% | 50% | No Refund |
16-week | Within 7th day | 8th-29th days | After 29th day |
8-week | Within 4th day | 5th-15th days | After 15th day |
6-week | Within 2nd day | 3rd-10th days | After 10th day |
5-week | Within 2nd day | 3rd-9th days | After 9th day |
4-week | Within 1st day | 2nd-7th days | After 7th day |
* Calendar days of the session, including all Saturdays and Sundays.