Proctored Exams | WKCTC

Proctored Exams

A proctored exam permits instructors to limit student access to certain materials such as books, notes, internet access, and to verify the identity of the individual taking the exam.

Proctored exams with West Kentucky Community and Technical College and most KCTCS schools require students to take an examination using the Respondus Lockdown Browser. The Respondus Lockdown Browser allows students to take the proctored examination using their own computer and internet access. Please note, the URL for the LockDown Browser is unique to KCTCS; students cannot use a link from another university or college.

  • Windows: 11 and 10. Details
  • Mac: MacOS 10.13 or higher
  • iOS: 11.0+ (iPad only). Must have compatible LMS integration. Details
  • Chromebook: Details
  • Web camera (internal or external) and microphone
  • A broadband internet connection

Limited technical assistance is available from West Kentucky Online Learning at or (270)534-3258.

If you are having difficulties installing software, taking the exam online, or just want to take the exam on campus, please contact our testing center to set up an appointment. WKCTC online students having technical issues that are not located near a KCTCS campus should work with the instructor early in the term to troubleshoot issues or find an acceptable site for taking a proctored exam. It will be the responsibility of the student to pay any fees associated with taking a KCTCS course exam at a non-KCTCS location.

WKCTC Testing Center
Emerging Technology Center
Room 133
Phone: (270) 534-3335

Testing Center Hours
Monday - Friday 9:30 am - 3:30 pm

Please contact the testing center 72 hours in advance to cancel or reschedule the appointment.

Students arriving late (15 minutes or more) for a testing appointment may not be tested during the scheduled time period. It is the right of the Coordinator of Testing and Assessments to reschedule the student's appointment.

It is the student's responsibility to:

  • Check with the instructor prior to the exam for testing materials allowed during the exam. (i.e. textbook, calculator)
  • Have an active login and password for Blackboard and other software. The Online Testing Center is not responsible for providing items.
  • Provide a proper form of photo Identification. (i.e. driver's license, school I.D., state-issued I.D.)
  • Have a printed class schedule and/or appointment confirmation listing class and instructor information.

Students caught cheating on an exam will be approached by the proctor and informed of the academic dishonesty violation. Students must adhere to the KCTCS Code of Student Conduct 4Bii.

No cell phones or children are allowed in the Testing Center. The Testing Center is to maintain a controlled environment for those completing proctored exams. All personal items brought to the test center will be locked and stored prior to entering the testing room.

Students are not charged any fees for taking an exam for a KCTCS course or for verification of identity. A fee is charged for testing for non-KCTCS institution who require students to utilize the Testing Center. Students who are requesting a proctored exam for a non-KCTCS institution should contact to make payment and arrange for testing. The fee for non-KCTCS testing is $25.00. An additional fee of $5.00 may be charged for shipping and handling as well.
Students are required to prove their identity when taking a proctored exam using the Resondus Lockdown Browser. Students are not assessed any fees for taking an exam for a KCTCS course or for verification of identity. Student who are not located near a KCTCS campus should work with the instructor early in the term to identify an acceptable site for taking a proctored exam. It will be the responsibility of the student to pay any fees associated with taking a KCTCS course exam at a non-KCTCS location.
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