Adult Agriculture
Adult Agriculture Education instructional sessions are provided to equip producers with valuable industry and leadership skills. These non-credit sessions provide updates to those involved in agriculture. The information has no set curriculum or syllabus and no CEUs, certificates or degrees are awarded. Class topics are selected based on the needs of the producers and are determined by an advisory committee prior to the start of classes. Changes and emerging technologies in the field of agriculture provide a challenge to those involved to stay abreast of the latest information. The overall objective is to improve the profitability and efficiency of producers operations through education.
The Kentucky Young Farmers Association was organized in August 1958 at the Fourth Annual Kentucky Young Farmers Conference. When Kentucky Community and Technical College system (KCTCS) was formed in 1997, Adult Agriculture Education program and Kentucky Young Farmers Association became a part of KCTCS. The Kentucky Young Farmers program is a vital part of the total program of Agriculture Education in Kentucky. It is recognized that courses for secondary students alone are not adequate to meet the needs of all persons who are preparing for or who have become engaged in the work of the farm or farm-related occupations. Therefore it is necessary that special classes should be provided for out-of-school young farmers. The complexities of modern agriculture and its importance to the economy of the state and nation require that more time to be given to out-of-school groups. To join, contact your local chapter advisor.
Another aspect of Adult Agriculture Education is advising and conducting classes with
local chapters from the Kentucky Young Farmers Association. Adult Agriculture Education
tries to combine instruction, practical experience, and leadership skills to best
serve the needs of our students. The advisors develop and implement agriculture related
programs for farm families throughout the state. Instructors serve as advisors for
a local Young Farmers Chapter that is affiliated with the Kentucky State Young Farmers
Association (YFA). The Kentucky YFA has a set of regional officers and a State Officer
Team that provides opportunities for young farmers to develop their leadership skills.
Advisors incorporate individual instruction, on-farm visits, and information updates
to producers of row crops, livestock, and tobacco. Crop variety trials are conducted
which provide valuable data on crop performance in specific geographic regions.
Check out the following sites:
You may contact:
Shawn Harper, Associate Professor
Graves County YFA Advisor
Skilled Craft Training Center
70 Hickory Rd.
Hickory, KY 42051
(270) 856-2416 (office)
(270) 705-7800 (cell)
(270) 856-2224 (fax)