Workforce Assessment Center
Personnel assessments are a way to improve the hiring and promotion selection process. Testing is a low-cost method of improving selection accuracy. With access to objective data, managers make better informed personnel decisions.
The Assessment Center provides testing for all students, community, local school districts, business and industries. These services are available:
- WorkKeys
- GED Testing
- PearsonVUE IT Certification
- Promisor Contractor Certification
- ServSafe Certification
- Wonderlic
- Computer Skills Exams
- Business and Industry Exams
Do you have to take a proctored exam for your academic institution? We can help. The Workforce Solutions Test center is a National College Testing Association (NCTA) approved test center. We can proctor online exams for your institution or university. There is a $25 proctoring fee associated with any exams that are not KCTCS exams. To schedule your appointment day and time please call (270) 534-3335. All appointments must be made at least 72 hours in advance.
For Assessment Center questions contact the Workforce Solutions Testing Center at (270) 534-3335.