Marine Training
We offer Unlimited Radar Observer, Inland Radar Observer, Rivers Radar Observer certifications as well as Unlimited/Inland Radar and River Radar re-certification.
This course will train the students in use of the Rose Point Navigation Systems Electronic Charting and Navigation software (ECS). During this course student will have an understanding of how an ECS works in relationship to other navigational equipment such as Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Automated Information Systems (AIS) and Radar. Topics that will be covered include an overview of the ECS system, using, installing, maintaining your charts, voyage planning, configuring your vessel and its electronics. Training will be conducted in a state of the art classroom using simulators for each student.
This course will train Mariners in Marine Fire Fighting utilizing state of the art equipment and simulators. Factors such as fire causes, associated dangers, welding, smoking, poor housekeeping, and faulty equipment will be covered. Mariners will be taught proper use of Fire Fighting equipment with practical demonstration and live fire exercises.
The course will satisfy U.S. Coast Guard regulations for The Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting training requirements of Section A-VI/1 of the STCW Code, Advanced Fire Fighting per SCTW Code Section A-VI/3; Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting per 46 CFR 11.302(a)(2) and 46 CFR 12.602(a)(2); Basic and Advanced Fire Fighting per 46 CFR 11.201(h)(2) and 46 CFR 11.201(h)(3); Advanced Fire Fighting per 46 CFR 11.303(a); Firefighting requirement for a notional tankerman endorsement in 46 CFR 13.201(c)(3), 13.301(c)(3); 13.401(d); and 13.501(c)(3); and the following Task from the National Assessment Guidelines of NIVC 08-14 Basic Training: 2.1.A thru 3.8.D of the Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting section (complete); and NVIC 09-14 Advanced Fire Fighting: 1.1.A thru 4.1.C (complete)
This 8-hour course is designed to provide refresher training to mariners in marine fire fighting utilizing state of the art equipment and simulators. Factors such as fire causes, associated dangers, welding, smoking, poor housekeeping, and faulty equipment will be covered.
Meets the requirements of the Basic Fire Fight Refresher: Any applicant who successfully completes your Basic Fire Fighting Refresher (INLLMI-735) course will satisfy the continued competency requirements for Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting of STCW Section A-VIII , 46 CFR 1 l.302(e), and 46 CFR 12.602(e) and have performed the equivalent of all practical demonstrations guided by the Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting portion of Enclosure (2) of the Basic Training NVIC 08-14; PROVIDED the applicant has previously held a STCW Basic Training (A-IV/ 1) endorsement.
Meets the requirements of Advanced Fire Fighting Revalidation: Any applicant who has successfully completed your Advanced Fire Fighting Revalidation (INLLMI-777) course will satisfy the Advanced Fire Fighting training revalidation requirements of STCW Code Section A-VV3 and 46 CFR l l.201(h)( l ), and 1 l.303{d), provided that the mariner has at least I year of sea service within the last 5 years.; AND Tasks 1.3.A, 1.5.A, 2.1.A, 2.1.B, 3.1.A, 3.1.B, 4.1.A, 4.1.B and 4.1.C from NVIC 09-14.
This course will train Mariners in Marine Fire Fighting utilizing state of the art equipment and simulators. Factors such as fire causes, associated dangers, welding, smoking, poor housekeeping, and faulty equipment will be covered. Mariners will be taught proper use of Fire Fighting equipment with practical demonstration and live fire exercises.
The course will satisfy U.S. Coast Guard regulations for Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting training requirements of Section A-VI/1 of the STCW Code and 46 CFR 11.302(a)(2) and 46 CFR 12.602(a)(2). Basic Fire Fighting per 46 CFR 11.201(h)(2) Basic only and 46 CFR 11.201 (h)(3) and 13.201(c)(3), 13.301(c)(3); 13.401(d) and 13.501(c)(3). Satisfies all associated TASKs from NVIC 08-14, Assessment Guidelines for Fire Prevention and Fire Training.
The course is an eight hour training course that will cover the qualifications for certification as a Confined Space Shipyard Competent Person (SCP). Students will develop an understanding of confined space entry as it relates to science, safety, and measurement and be certified as a Shipyard Competent Person under OSHA regulatory standards. This course is taught by an NFPA Certified Marine Chemist.
The requirements to perform the duties of a Shipyard Competent Person can be found in 29 CFR 1915.7. The SCP must be able to understand the directions and instructions left by the NFPA certified Marine Chemist; have knowledge of the Subparts of 29 CFR 1915; know the structure and location where work is to be performed on vessels and within shipyard location; must understand how to use testing equipment and how to accurately interpret the results of required instrumentation as well as knowing how to post results and maintain records.
This course provides required training for Shipyard Competent Persons (SCP) in the maritime industry. The SCP often works with an NFPA Certified Marine Chemist to evaluate and authorize entry into confined spaces and authorize hot work for maritime and shipyard operations. The class includes a review of the OSHA 1915 standard as it relates to confined space evaluation, testing, entry and hot work.
Successful completers of this Tank Barge Dangerous Liquids (On Line) (INLLMl-878)
course will satisfy the training requirements of 46 CFR 13.30l(c)(4) for an endorsement
as Tankerman-PIC (Barge) DL; AND satisfy the training requirements of 46 CFR 13.120(a)(2)
for renewal of a merchant mariner credential endorsed as Tankerman PIC (Barge) Dangerous
Liquids. Contact Calena "Tootie" Peeler, Marine Training Specialist, (270) 534-3444,
Email Calena Peeler for course requirements and information.
This 10-hour course is designed for general industry maritime workers. Training covers a variety of safety and health topics a worker may encounter. Course creates a broad awareness of recognizing and preventing hazards on a marine site.
OSHA recommends this training as an orientation to occupational safety and health. Course meets OSHA 29CFR 1910 regulatory compliance.
Upon completion, attendees will receive a certificate issued by Inland Logistics and Marine Institute and an OSHA 10-hour card from Fed OSHA.
For more information contact Calena "Tootie" Peeler at (270) 534-3444 • calena.peeler@kctcs.edu