GED Graduates
WKCTC Recognized GED Graduates with virtual video tribute
More than 80 students received their GED in 2019-2020 through West Kentucky Community and Technical College’s Adult Education program.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the college’s adult education program was unable to hold an in-person GED graduation this year.
In a video tribute released Thursday, July 9 on WKCTC’s social media channels, WKCTC President Anton Reece said while he was disappointed the college had to cancel the in-person ceremony, safety is a top priority in the health and safety of students, faculty, staff and community.
"We weren't able to have a face-to-face celebration for your graduation, but we did not want this moment pass without recognizing this signature achievement for you and your family. On behalf of the West Kentucky Community and Technical College family, congratulations,” said WKCTC President Anton Reece. “I encourage you to continue to pursuing higher education...I look forward to seeing you as you continue your career path and education at WKCTC.”
The video tribute was posted on the WKCTC Facebook page and its YouTube channel.
Ballard County
Coy Ellis, Mckenna Romaine, Alicyn Seaborne
Carlisle County
Jonathan Cain, Hunter King, Jaylon Larkins
Fulton County
Andrew Koehn
Graves County
William Allen, Jerry Barnes, James Boatwright, Chelsea Brown, Robin Childers, Tyler Copeland, Maria Franco, Keaton Glisson, Stephen Harmon, Domonick Jones, Courtney Lovett, Jimna Macias, Trinidad Mercado, Rosalba Mphepo, De'Sean Thomas, Robert Trent, Timothy Trottier, Ashley Walker, Dakota Weatherford
Livingston County
Marques Pearson, Wendy Wynn
Marshall County
Matthew Boyd, Joshua Hall, Amber Marshall, Austina Stufflebeam
McCracken County
Dalton Adams, Jessy Adams, Issac Barnhill, Casey Brandon, Alley Castillo, Ashley Castillo, Shawn Creek, Abby Donelson, Cody Farley, Anthony Farmer, Misty Flint, Nathan Frayser, Jeremiah Fuentes, Taronica George, Dylan Gish, Andrea Glasper, Eric Grubbs, Montinia Harris, Brayden Hill, Kenneth Hillebrand, Mikkia Huckaby, Justin Ibeawuchi, Trenton Johnson, Alissa Jones, Sherrice Key, Jordan Ligon, James Lindsey, Talton Lomax-Sanders, Brandon Lucki, Ricky Martin, Alexandria McManus, Ashley Miller, Kevin Morris, Landry Owen, Samuel Perkins, Kayla Ragan, Matthew Robertson, Kindra Rodriguez, Jessica Rogers, April Seitz, Michelle Spears, Anthony Stoner, Stevie Swain, Briante Tawfeek, Gregory Tharp, Charles Tidwell, Frank Trent, Shelley Tunnell, Mikeliah Walker, Nannette Williams
Webster County
Sherman Tate