Adult Learning Center Services
The Adult Learning Center is operated under the belief that all students are capable
of learning and that all students want to complete some level of education. Due to
life's influences, the standard educational schedules and methods are not successful
for all students. The Adult Learning Center can provide closure in ones educational
experiences and open the possibility for continuing education.
Our services are part of Kentucky's continuing effort to improve the educational status
of adult Kentuckians who do not have a high school diploma, who function at low levels
of literacy, or who want to learn English as a Second Language.
- GED/Adult Basic Education Instruction
Courses provide academic skills instruction, GED preparation and reading instruction for eligible adults. Adult education assists adults in improving educational attainment levels and successfully entering employment and continuing education.
Register to start GED - College Assessment Preparation - Courses provide academic skills instruction in reading, language, and/or math to help students prepare for the college placement test. Students are first assessed on the TABE and then may receive classroom instruction, one-on-one tutoring,learning lab hours, or a combination of any of the three.
- Distance Learning
On-line GED preparation through KET Fast Forward, ITTS, GED Academy, and EdReady Web sites. - English as a Second Language (ESL)
Courses provided to adults who want to become more fluent in English, pass U.S. citizenship tests and work on job-seeking skills. The English language/civics program helps students acquire the skills and knowledge to become U.S. citizens. - Corrections Education - Courses provide adult education in McCracken and Graves County jails.
- Workplace essential skills training - Designed for qualifying adult education students; includes Kentucky Essential Skills Certificate (KESC) and National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC).
- Kentucky Paraeducator Assessment (KPA) - The Kentucky Department of Education has chosen the Kentucky Paraeducator Assessment (KPA) as a means of assessing paraeducators who do not meet the higher education requirements stipulated in NCLB. Candidates should check with the local school district in which you might be seeking employment to verify the acceptance of scores from the KPA or if the district is using an alternative assessment. Properly trained paraeducators play important roles in schools where they can magnify and reinforce instruction in the classroom.
All Services are FREE!